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My personal software installation & configuration


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🗃️ dotfiles

My personal software installation & configuration


☣️ Disclaimer

This is a repository that I keep public in order to ease out the installation of my different computers.

The repository is not intended to be used as-is by many people, although special attention and care has been put in order to make it sensibly easy to be used by anyone wanting to try out this installation.

Although the goal for any non-contributor is to get inspiration, not to use it as you daily driver. Nothing can stop you from doing it so feel free to do so and open issues, but I can't guarantee to be available to fix issues.

🔥 Features

  • Gnome with Pipewire to get the maximum of our audio/video
  • nvim with a ton of plugins for web development & linux stuff
  • helix setup & configured with support for lazygit and lazydocker
  • Tons of browsers (actually just 4 but this is something) like chromium, google-chrome, opera & firefox
  • docker enabled for the unprivileged user so commands don't need prefixing with sudo anymore
  • tmux for terminal multiplexing with automatic installation & update of plugins before starting tmux
  • vifm to manipulate your file system & vicd to change directory like a hacker in your terminal
  • Enhanced ls command with colors & icons just like in VSCode
  • Enhanced cat command with syntactic colorization of files just like in VSCode
  • Enhanced rm command so that it does not really remove the file permanently but put it in the trash can instead
  • Custom privateinternetaccess function that lets you choose a configuration from OpenVPN using fzf for starting a new openvpn tunnel quickly
  • Get the latest weather news right in your terminal with wttr
  • Support for both intel & amd architecture (pull requests welcome to add VirtualBox & VMware Guest Additions)
  • ufw enabled and ready to protect your personal life
  • pass Fish function to select and copy a password using Passbolt
  • Lots of programing language's interpreter & compiler installed (Python, Ruby, PHP, Julia, ...)
  • Tons of Fish's abbreviations for docker & docker-compose

📖 Requirements

⚙️ Setup

👮 Create the user as administrator

# Install the necessary dependencies
pacman -S sudo fish git

# Allow members of the group "sudo" to issue sudo commands
sed -i 's/# %sudo/%sudo/g' /etc/sudoers

# Add the "sudo" group
groupadd sudo

# Add the unprivileged user
useradd --create-home --shell /bin/fish --groups sudo --uid 1000 user

# Setup the password for the unprivileged user
passwd user

🧔 Installation as user

# Clone the repository in the home folder
git clone ~/Documents/git/

# Change the current working directory to the source-code for the installation script
cd ~/Documents/git/

# Apply the configuration

You can also feed the script with the path to an existing playbook if you don't want to be prompted to choose one.

# Or by providing the path to an existing playbook directly
bash ansible/amd-gnome.yml

🐛 Error codes

An error code is returned each time you run this script and an error occurred.

In order to get the specific error code, you can use the $? variable in bash.

echo $?

Refer to the list below to know what happened in order to take remediation action.

Note that a friendly error message will also appear in case an error occurs, that way you don't have to manually check for these error codes.

This is documented in case you want to include this script in a bigger program or system and you probably don't ever need to read the following if you are a end-user of this script.


This error code is returned whenever you try to run this script as root.

This script should only be run as the unprivileged user that has sudo access only.

Morever, this script contains routines that needs to be run as a non-root, for instance, the installation of Arch User Repository packages.


This error code is returned whenever you try to run this script in an operating system that has no pacman executable installed.

This script has been made specifically to install this configuration for Arch operating systems only.

Feel free to fork this project and to update its source-code if you wish to support other operating systems as well. You are encouraged to propose pull requests as well.


This error code is returned whenever you try to call this script with too much arguments.

Too much arguments means that you tried to pass more than one argument, since this script only take at most one argument which is the path to a playbook containing the wanted configuration.

You can find the list of available configuration at the ansible folder (every file that ends with a *.yml extension is a playbook).


This error code is returned whenever you try to call this script and your operating system does not have the ansible package installed.

If the installation of ansible has failed, this script will return the error, otherwise, it will simply continue with the installation.


This error code is returned whenever you try to call this script and your operating system does not have the fzf package installed.

If the installation of fzf has failed, this script will return the error, otherwise, it will simply continue with the installation.


This error code is returned whenever the script detect that git has not been installed and tries to install it, but the installation has failed.

This error (and the verification for git) should not happen since this repository should have been downloaded using git.

However, for people that have downloaded the repository using the GitLab or GitHub user interface's download button, this might be helpful since it might not necessarily means that git is installed yet.


This error code is returned whenever the script attempts at updating the local git repository.

This may happen if you have local changes, or if you don't have any http connection anymore.

This script will require an internet connection so it does not make sense to continue if you don't have one.


This error code is returned whenever you try to call this script with an argument, which is the path to a playbook (configuration for the installation) you know you want to use.

If the playbook's path choosen is not found, then you'll get an error.

ℹ️ Informations

✒️ Neovim

Neovim's plugins gets installed only when run. Try running nvim at least once per user root and the choosen unprivileged user.

✈️ Tmux

Tmux's plugins get installed once it is run without argument. A Fish function gets triggered whenever tmux is run. If it has no argument, then plugins gets checked and installed. If it has arguments, plugins do not get installed nor checked. Please run at least once tmux in order to install the necessary plugins before using it.


It's a good idea to backup your existing ~/.ssh/config file before erasing the informations contained in a previous computer.

Once the new computer is installed, don't forget to create a new SSH key using ssh-keygen -t ed25519 and to propagate this key to the relevant services (servers, GitHub, GitLab, ...).

🛡️ Passbolt

Passbolt has been installed and is the default password manager used in this configuration.

In order to initialize an account, use the following command after installation.

passbolt configure --serverAddress --userPassword "..." --userPrivateKeyFile "..."

✨ Feature request, bug report & vulnerability report

See issues.

🙋 Code of conduct


💪 Contributing


📃 License


🛡️ Security



My personal software installation & configuration




Code of conduct

Security policy


