Healthcare Management System (Desktop app) is a hospital management system that uses JavaFX, Windows Forms, and Oracle database while applying OOP, design pattern concepts, SOLID principles, refactoring, and clean coding.
- Doctor
- Pharmacist
- Laboratory Technician
- Receptionist
- Administrator
- Install Netbeans IDE 8.2 & JDK 8u202
- Install MYSQL JDBC Driver 5.1
- Install Xampp
- Install JasperReports
- Any Oracle Database
Database SQL Script
JasperReport Script
- Each user can log in to their account
The user enters their username and then clicks Recover button.
The system displays a recovery question, which the user answers before pressing Submit button.
The user enters a new password and clicks Submit button.
The system displays a message. Once the user clicks "OK" the system redirects the user to the login page.
- Consists of 4 pages
The receptionist searches for the available doctor in each department to keep an appointment with the patient.
The receptionist records the outpatient's data on the system with his appointment.
- The receptionist can look for anything on the table.
- When any row is selected, the data is displayed and then it can be updated or deleted.
The receptionist records the data of inpatients and their relatives on the system.
- The receptionist can look for anything on the table.
- When any row is selected, the data is displayed and then it can be updated or deleted.
- The receptionist looks for the patient by ID.
- The system displays the patient's name and test, medication, and room details.
- The receptionist filters it by date, then enters the date and current costs for that date, then clicks the Add button.
- The system displays the total cost, and then the user clicks the "Print" button.
- Today's appointments were added by the receptionist with patient details.
- The doctor filters the day's appointments by the appointments column.
- The doctor adds the next appointment, time, and prescription and then prints it.
- The doctor can look for anything on the table
- The pharmacist can look up anything on the table.
- The pharmacist adds medicines to patients who ask for them in the system.
- The pharmacist can look up anything on the table.
- The pharmacist can add, update, and delete medicines.
- The laboratory technician can look up anything on the table.
- The laboratory technician adds laboratory tests to patients who ask for them in the system.
- The laboratory technician can look up anything on the table.
- The laboratory technician can add, update, and delete laboratory tests.
- The administrator can search for anything on the table.
- The administrator can add, update and delete employees.
- This scroll page analyzes salaries, number of departments, employees, medicines, lab tests, and number of employees in each department.