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SQLAlchemy-Database provides shortcut functions to common database operations for SQLAlchemy ORM.

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SQLAlchemy-Database provides shortcut functions to common database operations for SQLAlchemy ORM.

Pytest codecov Package version Chat on Gitter 229036692


  • Support SQLAlchemy and SQLModel,recommend using SQLModel.


pip install sqlalchemy-database

ORM Model

SQLAlchemy Model Sample

import datetime

import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()

class User(Base):
    __tablename__ = "User"
    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
    username = sa.Column(sa.String(30), unique=True, index=True, nullable=False)
    password = sa.Column(sa.String(30), default='')
    create_time = sa.Column(sa.DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow)

SQLModel Model Sample

import datetime

from sqlmodel import SQLModel, Field

class User(SQLModel, table=True):
    id: int = Field(default=None, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
    username: str = Field(title='username', max_length=30, unique=True, index=True, nullable=False)
    password: str = Field(default='', title='Password')
    create_time: datetime = Field(, title='Create Time')


Creation Connection

from sqlalchemy_database import AsyncDatabase

# 1.Create an asynchronous database connection
db = AsyncDatabase.create('sqlite+aiosqlite:///amisadmin.db?check_same_thread=False')  # sqlite
# db = AsyncDatabase.create('mysql+aiomysql://root:[email protected]:3306/amisadmin?charset=utf8mb4')# mysql
# db = AsyncDatabase.create('postgresql+asyncpg://postgres:[email protected]:5432/amisadmin')# postgresql


Creation Connection

from sqlalchemy_database import Database

# 1.Create a database connection
db = Database.create('sqlite:///amisadmin.db?check_same_thread=False')  # sqlite
# db = Database.create('mysql+pymysql://root:[email protected]:3306/amisadmin?charset=utf8mb4') # mysql
# db = Database.create('postgresql://postgres:[email protected]:5432/amisadmin') # postgresql
# db = Database.create('oracle+cx_oracle://scott:tiger@tnsname') # oracle
# db = Database.create('mssql+pyodbc://scott:tiger@mydsn') # SQL Server


When you are developing a library of tools, your Python program may require a database connection.

But you can't be sure whether the other person personally prefers synchronous or asynchronous connections.

You can use asynchronous shortcut functions with the async_ prefix.

AsyncDatabase and Database both inherit from AbcAsyncDatabase and both implement the usual async_ prefixed asynchronous shortcut functions.

For example: async_execute,async_scalar,async_scalars,async_get,async_delete,async_run_sync.

Remark: The async_ prefix in Database is implemented by executing the corresponding synchronous shortcut in the thread pool.

Asynchronous compatible shortcut functions

from sqlalchemy import insert, select, update, delete
from sqlalchemy_database import AsyncDatabase, Database

async def fast_execute(db: Union[AsyncDatabase, Database]):
    # update
    stmt = update(User).where( == 1).values({'username': 'new_user'})
    result = await db.async_execute(stmt)

    # select
    stmt = select(User).where( == 1)
    user = await db.async_execute(stmt, on_close_pre=lambda r: r.scalar())

    # insert
    stmt = insert(User).values({'username': 'User-6', 'password': 'password-6'})
    result = await db.async_execute(stmt)

    # delete
    stmt = delete(User).where( == 6)
    result = await db.async_execute(stmt)

    # scalar
    user = await db.async_scalar(select(User).where( == 1))

    # scalars
    stmt = select(User)
    result = await db.async_scalars(stmt)

    # get
    user = await db.async_get(User, 1)

    # delete
    user = User(id=1, name='test')
    await db.async_delete(user)

    # run_sync
    await db.async_run_sync(Base.metadata.create_all, is_session=False)

Use dependencies in FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

# AsyncDatabase
async def get_user(id: int, session: AsyncSession = Depends(db.session_generator)):
    return await session.get(User, id)

# Database
def get_user(id: int, session: Session = Depends(db.session_generator)):
    return session.get(User, id)

Use middleware in FastAPI

app = FastAPI()

# Database
sync_db = Database.create("sqlite:///amisadmin.db?check_same_thread=False")


def get_user(id: int):
    return sync_db.session.get(User, id)

# AsyncDatabase
async_db = AsyncDatabase.create("sqlite+aiosqlite:///amisadmin.db?check_same_thread=False")


async def get_user(id: int):
    return await async_db.session.get(User, id)

Get session object

You can get the session object anywhere, but you need to manage the lifecycle of the session yourself. For example:

  • 1.In FastAPI, you can use middleware or dependencies to get the session object. In the routing function, the method called will automatically get the session object in the context.

  • 2.In the local work unit, you can use the with statement to get the session object. In the with statement, the method called will automatically get a new session object.

graph LR
session[Get session] --> scopefunc{Read context var}
scopefunc -->|None| gSession[Return the global default session]
scopefunc -->|Not a Session object| sSession[Return the scoped session corresponding to the current context variable]
scopefunc -->|Is a Session object| cSession[Return session in the current context variable]

More tutorial documentation

SQLAlchemy-Database adds extension functionality to SQLAlchemy.

More features and complicated to use, please refer to the SQLAlchemy documentation.

SQLAlchemy is very powerful and can fulfill almost any complex need you have.

Recommend you to use SQLModel definition ORM model, please refer to the SQLModel documentation.

SQLModel written by FastAPI author, Perfectly combine SQLAlchemy with Pydantic, and have all their features .

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SQLAlchemy-Database provides shortcut functions to common database operations for SQLAlchemy ORM.



