- npm init -y
Now install the dependencies using npm. npm ensures that package.json get updated automatically with all the dependencies.
Run below command to install prod dependencies and add them to package.json
- npm install --save-prod @actions/github @actions/core
Run below command to install dev dependencies and add them to pacakge.json
npm install --save-dev @vercel/ncc typescript prettier
package.json contains all the dependencies
package-lock.json contains all the sub dependencies.
In order for you to have same environment we now just need to run npm install and we should be good.
In order to convert typescript to javascript we are using tsc. We can configure tsconfig.json to configure the behavior of tsc. Run tsc --init to create a default typescript configuration file.
- They define reusable code.
- They are always evaluated in strict mode. Strict mode was added to javascript 5.
- Modules are fundamental to typescript and should always be used.
- Any typescript file that contains either an import or export statement is treated as module.
- Modules are never evaluated in global scope. It is always local. Only exported code can be used outside of the module.
- Modules are always deferred and loaded asynchronously and are only loaded when html parsing is finished.
- es2015 is the first javascript version that natively support modules.
- esmodules-web-server is the minimum required web server for local development.
uses: amitkumardube/custom-github-action@main
json_file: "benchmark.json"
comparison_json_file: "old_benchmark/benchmark.json"
token : ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}