Demographic inferences from NGS data
8:30-10:00: Lecture:
NGS data, uncertainties and how to deal with them
(Matteo) -
10:30-12:00: Practical:
ANGSD and ngsTools
(Matteo) -
13:00-14:00: Practical:
ANGSD and ngsTools
(Matteo, continued)
- 13:00-14:45: Lecture:
Inferring selection with ABC and other tools
- Introduction to NGS data
- Principles of SNP and genotype calling
- Summary statistics from low-depth data
- Experimental design
Slides for the lecture on NGS data can be found here.
Slides for the lecture on selection scan can be found here.
Slides on experimental design can be found here.
NGS data analysis: ** Exercise 1 ** Exercise 2 ** Exercise 3 ** Exercise 4
Selection: ** Exercise 1 ** Exercise 2