Various components to assist in developing Gideros apps
Gideros ( is an amazing project. Hopefully this will contribute a bit more to it.
This project is aimed to create components that make creating Gideros application development even easier
For getting quickly oriented, the easiest method is to download the contained project, run it in Gideros studio and then take a look at main.lua. The simplicity of the code in main.lua makes it rather self explanatory.
Rbutton is a configurable rounded-corners button that does not require a bitmap. The optimal font size for the button is automatically set according to the given button dimensions.
btn = RButton(text, cx, cy, w, h, params)
- text - a string containing the text of the button
- cx - the horizontal center of the button
- cy - the vertical center of the button
- w - width of the button
- h - height of the button
- params is an optional table that can contain the following attributes:
- roundness - a number between 0 and 1 that defines the roundness of the corners. where 0 means no rounded corners (i.e the button will be a simple rectangle) and 1 means that the vertical edges of the button will be half a circle (with a radius of half the button height)
- line_width - the width of the button's border
- line_color - the color of the button's border
- fill_color - the background color of the button
- text_color - the color of the button's text
- focus_line_color - the color of the button's border when button is clicked
- focus_fill_color - the background color of the button when button is clicked
- focus_text_color - the color of the button's text when button is clicked
- font_size - the size of the font to be used for this button. If this is specified then automatic font size setting will be disabled for this button. Besides enabling more control over the size of the font, this can also come in handy as a workaround to a bug in Gideros where the font resources are not freed, causing an 'invalid font size' error in some devices after creating TTFont objects for the automatic font size detection.
ButtonGrid makes use of RButton.
Example: The folloging code
require "gidcomps"
local appwidth = application:getDeviceWidth()
local appheight = application:getDeviceHeight()
-- Create a button grid with:
-- current application Width and height
-- 3 rows, 1 column
-- cell padding of 10%
local grid = ButtonGrid(appwidth, appheight, 3, 1, 0.10)
grid.setBtnParams({font_file = 'Vera.ttf'})
-- Define callback function when one of the buttons in the grid is selected
local function onSelected(choice)
print( choice.row, choice.col, choice.text)
-- Add the following buttons. The optimal unified font size for all
-- the buttons is calculated when the button grid is rendered
grid.addButton(1, 1, "Hello")
grid.addButton(2, 1, "World")
grid.addButton(3, 1, "How are you?")
-- Set the button grid generic callback handler
grid.setHandler( onSelected )
-- Render the button grid on the stage
will produce:
- clears all the existing GridManager objects that were renderedaddButton(row, col, text, btnCallback, params)
- Add a button to the grid- row: Which row in the grid the button should be placed in
- col: Which column in the grid the button should be placed in
- text: Text of the button
- btnCallback: function to be called when thi specific button is clicked
- params (optional): A table of parameters:
- btn_params: A table of button parameters. Same structure as that passed to RButton
- disp_params: Position parameters
- xspan: how many cells should button cover on x axis (default is 1)
- yspan: how many cells should button cover on y axis (default is 1)
- optfont_group: an identifier string that associates the text to a group that shares the same font size. This size will be synced to the smallest font of all the optimal font sizes found for elements in the group
- set the display options for all buttons in this grid. params is the same as for RButtonsetHandler(func)
- set a generic button click handler for buttons who have not been associated with their specific callback function when clicked. All callback functions are called with a parameter of a table containing the row, columns and text of the button clicked.render(parent)
- Render the grid and its components on the sprite/stage given in parent parameter
ViewManager provides a simple way to manage the logic of the different screens that make up your application.
If the internal logic of a certain screen is defined in a specific file, then at the begining of that file get an instance of the ViewManager and request from it an instance of a View associated with a name you provide, as follows:
require "gidcomps"
local view_mngr = ViewManager()
local view1 = view_mngr.addView("view1")
At this point, you should override two callback methods of View:
function view1.onStart(vstage, params)
- vstage - the stage on which to add this views children
- params - parameters that have been passed by the previous view before transfering control to this view
function view1.onLeave()
Implement any required clean-ups before this view is removed from the stage
To transfer control to a different view, invoke the current view's leave method, for example:
view1.leave("view2", {msg="hello from view1"})
To start the process, call the start method with the name of the first view that should be loaded, so for example from main.lua :
require "gidcomps"
local view_mngr = ViewManager()