Extended image from Alpine image (See in Github) with Supervisord as entrypoint.
This build delegates to Docker the live-cycle of your applications using the event listener Kill Supervisord.
NOTE: Supervisord run as PID 1
In your Dockerfile: FROM digitalpoet/supervisord
See DockerHub
To add new configurations of Supervisord, only need copy files to folder: /etc/supervisord/conf.d/
The include rule in main config file is: /etc/supervisord/conf.d/*.conf
This image build use the event listener kill_supervisord
(See Github Repo) with the default arguments. If you want add custom
arguments, you need to add ENV
variable named KILL_SUPERD_ARGS
in your dockerfile or in the os env system.
Name | Default Value | Description |
LOGLEVEL | warn | Linked with loglevel supervisord config |
SD_LOG_MAX_SYZE | 10MB | Linked with logfile_maxbytes supervisord config |
SD_LOG_BKP | 0 | Linked with logfile_backups supervisord config |
KILL_SUPERD_ARGS | Arguments to script kill_supervisord |