Auto Mart is an online marketplace for automobiles of diverse makes, model or body type. With Auto Mart, users can sell their cars or buy from trusted dealerships or private sellers.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
- Git
- Node.js
- Node Package Manager (npm) usually comes pre-installed with Node
getting a development env running
- Navigate to the project directory on your command line
- Create .env file using env-sample as a template (leave NODE_ENV as test)
- Install dependencies by executing 'npm install'
- Start development server by executing 'npm run start-dev'
- Server should now be active on localhost port 3000 - 'localhost:3000'
To certify that the server is operational navigate to http://localhost:3000 on your browser and you should see the message
To run automated test execute npm run test on your command line.
- HTML - Markup Language
- CSS - For Frontend styling
- JS(ES6) - For Frontend/Backend logic
- Node - The backend stack used
- Express - web server framework for node js
The features include but are not limited to:
- User (seller) can post a car sale advertisement.
- User (buyer) can make a purchase order.
- User (buyer) can update the price of his/her purchase order.
- User (seller) can mark his/her posted AD as sold.
- User (seller) can update the price of his/her posted AD.
- User can view a specific car.
- User can view all unsold cars.
- User can view all unsold cars within a price range.
Access to the API endpoints are stricted based on authorization using access tokens, which is generated when a user signs in or signs up.View API documentation for all endpoints used in this app here
Amos Oruaroghene
This project was inspired by the Andela team👍