Sequelize is an SQL ORM that supports many sql servers (mysql, mariadb, sqlite, postgres and mssql) OptimalBits/node_acl.
For ACL general use please see OptimalBits/node_acl. For Sequelize general use please see Sequelize Docs.
Using npm:
npm install acl
npm install sequelize
npm install [DIALECT] #One of the supported Sequelize dialects
npm install acl-sequelize
Acl = require('acl');
Sequelize = require('sequelize'),
AclSeq = require('acl-sequelize');
db = new Sequelize( 'DB', 'USER', 'PASSWORD'),
acl = new Acl(new AclSeq(db, { prefix: 'acl_' }));
The second parameter sent to the backend constructor can have supports the following options -
- prefix for table names in the database default ''
- Sequlize Schema settings for all buckets with no specific schema default schema has two columns key: Primary STRING, value: STRING
- Object with Sequlize Schema settings per bucket (meta|parents|permissions|resources|roles|users ) to override default schema
ACL-Sequelize will automatically register and sync needed schemes
if for some reason you need to register your own tables and the schema override parameters are not good enough you can register the schemes yourself before instiating the backend
. ACL-Sequelize will use the existing schema instead of adding a new one (Register schema should follow prefix
convention and have key, value columns)
npm test
- default schema limit each column 255 chars, if you have a lot of resources / permissions / complex hierarchy, You'll probably need to set your own schema with higher limit.
- node ACL has a race condition bug I would avoid setting multiple permissions until the issue is resolved
- I haven't done any performance tweaks, this can probably be implemented in a much more efficient way using relational schema and JOINS, but I'm note sure node ACL API is flexible enough to make it beneficial
P.S Thanks for Robert Kaufmann III [email protected] who originally registered the npm module.