Welcome to the EEGNet for Motor Imagery Classification repository! This project focuses on implementing a convolutional neural network (CNN) model based on the EEGNet architecture for classifying motor imagery tasks using electroencephalography (EEG) data. The model is designed to classify between four different motor imagery classes: Left Hand, Right Hand, Foot, and Tongue.
The EEG data used in this project is sourced from the BCI Competition IV 2a dataset. Key characteristics of the dataset include:
- 9 Participants
- 22 Ag/AgCl Electrodes
- Sampling Frequency: 250 Hz
- Epoched Data: [2, 6] seconds
- Frequency Range: 0.5 - 100 Hz
- Band Pass Filtered: 4 - 40 Hz (Using IIR Filter)
- 4 Classes: Left Hand, Right Hand, Foot, Tongue
- Both sessions of data (T & E) were used!
The following events are annotated in the dataset:
- '1023': 1 Rejected trial
- '1072': 2 Eye movements
- '276': 3 Idling EEG (eyes open)
- '277': 4 Idling EEG (eyes closed)
- '32766': 5 Start of a new run
- '768': 6 Start of a trial
- '769': 7 Cue onset Left (class 1) : 0
- '770': 8 Cue onset Right (class 2) : 1
- '771': 9 Cue onset Foot (class 3) : 2
- '772': 10 Cue onset Tongue (class 4): 3
Events 7, 8, 9, and 10 were chosen for the classification.
The EEGNet model architecture used in this project is detailed below:
- Block 1: Two sequential convolutional steps are performed. First, F1 2D convolutional filters of size (1, 32) are applied to capture frequency information at 2Hz and above. Then, a Depthwise Convolution of size (C, 1) is used to learn a spatial filter. Batch Normalization and ELU nonlinearity are applied, followed by Dropout for regularization. An average pooling layer is used for dimensionality reduction.
- Block 2: Separable Convolution is used, followed by Pointwise Convolutions. Average pooling is used for dimension reduction.
- Classification Block: Features are passed directly to a softmax classification with N units, where N is the number of classes in the data.
For further details, refer to the original EEGNet implementation.
- Optimizer: Adam
- Batch size: 64
- Epochs: 500
- Learning Rate: 0.001
- Loss Function: Cross Entropy
To run the code in this repository, make sure you have the following dependencies installed:
- Python == 3.7 or 3.8
- PyTorch == 2.3 (verified working with 2.0 - 2.3, both for CPU and GPU)
- torch-summary == 1.4.5
- mne >= 0.17.1
- scikit-learn >= 0.20.1
- matplotlib >= 2.2.3
If you use this code or the EEGNet model architecture in your work, please cite the original paper of the orignal model:
If you used the dataset in your work, please cite the original paper of it: