Final assignment for the course "Getting and Cleaning Data", by John Hopkins University, Andrew M Telford
run_analysis.R This script uses the scripts below to perform the complete data analysis. It requires all the slave scripts to be in the folder "scripts" in the working directory, and the data folder "UCI HAR Dataset" to be in the working directory. Example: run_analysis("C:/.....","C:/.....")
NOTE: script 1 below, used to import data, returns variables with the relevant data programmatically. All of the following functions use these variable names as default if no other value is specified, giving the option of making the analysis fully automated.
Script 1: import_data.R This script imports all the relevant data, given the location of the "UCI HAR Dataset" folder. Example: import("C:/folder/UCI HAR Dataset")
Script 2: combine_data.R This script adds the columns "subject" and "activity" a the beginning of each of the "train" and "test" datasets, and then combines the two datasets into a single one. Example: fullData <- combine()
Script 3: tidy_up_varnames.R This script cleans up the variable names from the file "features.txt" (removes non-character symbols) and assigns those names to the variables in the full dataframe. Example: fullData <- tidy_up(fullData)
Script 4: subset_data.R This script selects only the columns of the full dataframe that contain either mean or standard deviation values. Example: mean_std <- subset(fullData)
Script 5: change_factors.R This script converts the class of the first two columns ("subject" and "activity") into factor, and changes the "activity" values from numbers to descriptive strings, according to the file "activity_labels.txt". Example: mean_std <- change_factrors(mean_std)
Script 6: summarise_data.R This script summarises mean and standard deviation data by reporting the mean for each variable, per activity and per subject. Example: summary <- sumamrise_mean(mean_std)