Awais Nadeem, Usama Nadeem, Savani Sayani, Tom Freier, Mara Dimitroff.
Hosted at: http://usama280.pythonanywhere.com/
Course planner is a web application that allows students to plan courses. Users can can create account, recieve emails, and plan courses. User have the capability to select major - current offerings are Cyber Security, Computer Science, and Information Technology. User can search for courses, add them to their course plan, provide their insights, track their courses/ratings, as well as view others suggestions. Users can also share feedback with developers, update their info, and or delete their account.
More details can be found in the Course Planner Version 4.pdf
which also contains the associated UML Design
and Database Design
- Activate environment ./env/Scripts/activate (Optional - can also pip install requirements 1 by 1 or do pip install requirements.txt)
- python app.py (If creating application after deleting database, uncomment lines 580-583)
- Go to web browser and type