1. Supported tools version for this release are:
- Xilinx Vivado 2021.1
- Quartus Prime Pro Edition 21.2
- Quartus Prime Standard Edition 20.1*
*Quartus Standard 20.1 is used only for Cyclone5 projects (c5soc and de10nano)
2. New projects:
- AD Quad MxFE support for vcu118
- ad4630-24 support for Zed Board
- ad9695_fmc support for zcu102
- ad9783_ebz support for zcu102
- xmicrowave support for adrv9009zu11eg
- cn0501 support for coraz7s
3. Major updates:
I. Adding support for:
- adrv9001/9002 on a10soc, zc706 and zcu102
- dac_fmc_ebz on vcu118
II. Suporting ad908x on multiple carriers and add examples built with different JESD configurations:
- ad9081_fmca_ebz.a10soc
- ad9081_fmca_ebz.a10soc_np12
- ad9081_fmca_ebz.vck190
- ad9081_fmca_ebz.vcu118_204c-txmode10-rxmode11
- ad9081_fmca_ebz.vcu118_204c-txmode10-rxmode11-24-75Gbps
- ad9081_fmca_ebz.vcu118_204c-txmode23-rxmode25
- ad9081_fmca_ebz.vcu118_204c-txmode23-rxmode25-24-75Gbps
- ad9081_fmca_ebz.vcu118_204c-txmode24-rxmode26-24-75Gbps
- ad9081_fmca_ebz.vcu118_m4_l8
- ad9081_fmca_ebz.vcu128
- ad9081_fmca_ebz.vcu128_m4_l8
- ad9081_fmca_ebz.zc706
- ad9081_fmca_ebz.zc706_np12
- ad9081_fmca_ebz.zcu102_204b-txmode9-rxmode4
- ad9081_fmca_ebz.zcu102_204c-txmode0-rxmode1
- ad9081_fmca_ebz.zcu102_m4_l8
- ad9082_fmca_ebz.zcu102
- ad9083_evb.zcu102
4. Known issues:
On Arria10 SOC with cn0506_mii, IPs are not assigned on both ports even if dhcp is enabled.
Video output may not work. There are two scripts that can be run in Kuiper terminal: enable_dummy_display.sh - which is used to create a display for zynq based boards and fix_x11.sh - which is used to create display for zynqmp based boards. Running the one for zynq on a zynqmp device or vice versa will broke video output. The solution is to delete the wrong created file if there exists (/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/xorg.conf is created by enable_dummy_display.sh and /etc/X11/xorg.conf is created by fix_x11.sh).