##FeedMe Consumer ###Overview This application consumes feeds from rabbitMq and persists them onto couchbase.
/status - Displays if the application is running along with the status of FeedMe producer
/health – Shows application health information (a simple ‘status’ when accessed over an unauthenticated connection or full message details when authenticated). It is sensitive by default. /info – Displays arbitrary application info. Not sensitive by default. /metrics – Shows ‘metrics’ information for the current application. It is also sensitive by default. /trace – Displays trace information (by default the last few HTTP requests /mappings /env /health /dump /autoconfig
The above endpoints should be accessible with basic oAuth with username feedme
and password feedme
###Couchbase setup
Once you run the command docker-compose up from the feedme app, it should bring up an instance of couchbase
- You can access the couchbase instance with url http://localhost:8091/ui/index.html
- Setup a cluster with defaults
- Once the cluster is setup, create a bucket with name
- Add a user from the security tab with username
and password asfeedme
and give it admin privileges
###Running the application
You can start the application from command line using the command
mvn spring-boot:run
Once the application starts up it shoudl start reading messages from rabitMq and writing it to couchbase