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NFT Standards - ERC-721 vs ERC-721a vs ERC-1155


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ERC-721 vs ERC-721a vs ERC-1155

We will review different NFT Implementations to help you decide which to use for your project.

Additionally, we will go into how to ensure NFT and contract metadata shows up correctly on Opensea. We will mint NFTs on various standards, review the gas costs and view the transactions and resulting NFTs.

Module 1: Setup

Setting up your local development environment.


Basic Setup:

Add env config:

npx yarn add dotenv

Add the Infura credentials

# Secret recovery phrase - NEVER EVER SHARE
MNEMONIC= Add your 12 word secret phrase to access your assets on Ethereum. Never share these! Wrap in qoutations.

# Infura Project details
INFURA_PROJECT_SECRET=Add your ID here. (No quotations)

# IPFS Project details
INFURA_IPFS_PROJECT_ID= Add IPFS project id (No quotations)
INFURA_IPFS_SECRET= Same for IPFS secret (No quotations)

MetaMask Setup

First, install MetaMask on your browser. If you are already a MetaMask user, it's suggested to create a new browser profile for development purposes and install a separate instance of MetaMask.

See this article to create a new Chrome profile, Firefox or Brave Browser.

Go to] and choose your browser.

Set up your wallet. Remember to save your secret recovery phrase in a secure location. Due to how blockchains are created, the secret recovery phrase CAN NOT be reset. Since MetaMask is a non-custodial wallet, they do not hold a copy for you.

Infura Setup

Next, you will need to set up a free account with Infura.


Next, select a project. We will create two projects.

First, select Ethereum project.


Choose the Sepolia Test Network. It's easier to view testnet NFTs on this network via OpenSea.


Access your credentials. The project ID can be akin to your username, and the project secret a password.


Next, create a new project and choose IPFS. You will save both these credentials into an .env file.


Upload Image data to IPFS

Find a sample image you'd like to upload to IPFS.

You can use the Infura IPFS upload tool to upload images.

Check out the following for more info: IPFS Client upload article.

Or you can use basic cURL commands.

From your project root, run the follow curlcommand to upload the image. Make sure to modify the curl script to add the Project SecretandProject ID from your IPFS project, not your mumbai project.

curl "" \
-F file=@"/img/meme-nft.json" \
-u "<Project-ID>:<Project-Secret>"

You will receive something like below. The Hash is the IPFS Content ID (CID) which we will use to identify our asset.

-F file=@"./img/meme-nft.jpeg" \
-u "<Project-ID>:<Project-Secret>"

Install hdwallet-provider

Next, let's add the hierarchical deterministic wallet (HD Wallet). hdwallet-provider is a separate package that holds our keys and signs transactions for addresses derived from a 12 or 24-word mnemonic.

Note: that Infura does not manage your private keys. So, it cannot sign transactions on your behalf.

yarn add @truffle/hdwallet-provider

OpenZeppelin Contracts

Next up, let's add the OpenZeppelin Contracts. OpenZeppelin is a library for secure smart contract development. It allows developers to build on a solid foundation of community-vetted code.

This is important because smart contracts can hold enormous amounts of value and are immutable.

npx yarn add @openzeppelin/contracts

Truffle config

Now, let's configure our Truffle set up. This will allow us to connect Truffle to Infura and access the Ethereum Network.

This particular network, Mumbai, is a test network. Test networks are used to deploy a contract for testing for free. This allows developers to experiment with contract conditions that mirror the Ethereum Mainnet where Ether is worth real money.

Open truffle.config.js and modify truffle-config.js with the following code:

// add at the top of truffle-config.js

 require("dotenv").config(); // allows usage of .env file to store secrets
 const HDWalletProvider = require("@truffle/hdwallet-provider");
 const infuraURL = `${process.env.INFURA_PROJECT_SECRET}`;
 const infuraPolygonURL = `${process.env.INFURA_PROJECT_SECRET}`;
 const mnemonic = process.env.MNEMONIC;

// inside networks value
networks: {
     sepolia: {
       provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, infuraURL),
       network_id: 11155111, // Sepolia's id
       timeoutBlocks: 200, // # of blocks before a deployment times out  (minimum/default: 50)
       skipDryRun: true, // Skip dry run before migrations? (default: false for public nets )
     mumbai: {
       provider: () => new HDWalletProvider(mnemonic, infuraPolygonURL),
       network_id: 80001, // Mumbai's id
       timeoutBlocks: 900, // # of blocks before a deployment times out  (minimum/default: 50)
       skipDryRun: true, // Skip dry run before migrations? (default: false for public nets )
// inside compilers
 compilers: {
    solc: {
      version: '0.8.13'

Fund Deployment Account

Finally, let get some free Ether to process transactions on the Polygon test network Mumbai.

Matic is required because:

  • Without it, public networks accessible by all would run into DDOS attacks.
  • Being able to upload arbitraty logic opens up the network to the the halting problem.
  • independent network operators require incentivization to process computation on the network and pay for their operating costs.

Luckily, for our test networks, Test Matic is free.

Go to and add your address to claim Matic on Mumbai.

For Sepolia ETH, you can use our free Infura faucet,

Module 3: Deployment

Let's now write the script for deployment to the Mumbai test network.

Navigate to the root of your project directory and create the 2_deployInfura721.js file.

touch ./migrations/2_deployInfura721.js

The deployment scripts are numbered in the order we wish to deploy them.

Inside 2_deployInfura721.js add:

var InfuraNFT = artifacts.require("InfuraNFT");

module.exports = function (deployer) {
  // deployment steps

Now we can deploy our contract to Mumbai test network!

truffle migrate --network mumbai


You have just completed your first transaction!

Wait until the transactions is finished in about 15 seconds. Then, run the above command again.

truffle migrate --network mumbai

Replace deployed contract on testnet

truffle migrate --network mumbai --reset 

Update .env file

Let's update our .env file to account for our NFT metadata:

# Address of the deployed smart contract

# Public address to assign NFT mint to
# Use address 1 in your MetaMask account

Module 4: Minting the NFT

Creating the Minting script

Let's mint our cool NFT! We will do so in a programmatic way using a minting script.

Create a /scripts directory in the project's root directory and enter the said directory.

mkdir scripts && cd ./scripts

Next lets create the mintSingleNFT.js script

touch mintSingleNFT.js
Finally, lets mint the NFT

Run the following script

npx truffle exec scripts/mintSingleNFT.js --network mumbai

Once you run the script, wait about 15 to 30 seconds. You should see something similar to:

Using network 'mumbai'.

Mining transaction ...
Success: The NFT has been minted and mined in block 10893060

Viola! You have minted a new NFT on the Polygon Network!

You can check your NFT through various ways:

View via PolygonScan

Via Polygon Scan: Paste the contract address or Txn Hash at:

View via OpenSea

Via OpenSea: Go to and log in with your development MetaMask Account.

NFT Metadata for Opensea

Let's create the metadata file

Example metadata:

  "description": "So Hot, NFT Demo",
  "external_url": "",
  "image": "",
  "name": "MyNFT - So Hot!",
  "background_color": "#FFF"

Module 5: Writing Contract Tests

Execute tests:

truffle test

Example Output:

  Contract: Infura721aNFTContract
    ✓ Contract deployment (39ms)
    ✓ Should mint Infura721aNFT token

  Contract: Infura721NFTContract
    ✓ Contract deployment (41ms)
    ✓ Should mint Infura721NFT token

  Contract: Infura1155NFTContract
    ✓ Contract deployment
    ✓ Should mint Infura1155NFT token