Welcome to BooksBank, the first project aimed at supporting book lending.
The project goal is to support communities to lend and borrow books between each other, saving themselves money and also allowing people less fortunate to enjoy reading.
The project is runned by Zelig880 (www.zelig880.com), and is open to everyone that wants to contribute.
The best way to get involved is to find an issue with the label of "Good first issue" or contact me on Twitter (@zelig880). This project is great for people that want to start and learn Vue Js, as I will be reviewing and providing guidance in best practices.
Join our Slack community by following this link (it just last 30 days, so if it is expired, let me know): https://join.slack.com/t/booksbank/shared_invite/zt-p04vtxqv-xC6zBkLwgwlEpeaPoN6a6Q
The project designs can be found here:
- Invision designs: https://projects.invisionapp.com/d/main/default/#/console/17236584/446551990/preview
- zeplin: https://app.zeplin.io/project/6047d3685cdff106a3f16337/screen/6047d80ebafdbb06f6d2df8e
We are aiming at developing Mobile ready components, and trying to replicate the designs as best as we can, taking into consideration the time involved in doing so.
The project has been build on top of the laravel-vue-spa starter pack (https://github.com/cretueusebiu/laravel-vue-spa).
- Laravel
- MySql
- Vue
- Vue-router
- Vuex
- Boostrap (soon to be removed)
- Pull the code
- Run "composer install"
- Create copy of the ".env.example" file and name it ".env"
- Create a database and add information in Env file
- Run "php artisan migrate"
- Run "php artisan db:seed"
- Run "npm install" or "yarn install"
- Run "npm run watch"
- Laravel
- Node
- composer install
- npm install
- php artisan migrate
- Run "php artisan db:seed"
- npm run watch