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Day 22
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andi0b committed Dec 23, 2024
1 parent d9ecf77 commit 1cbfaa4
Showing 1 changed file with 104 additions and 0 deletions.
104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions Day22.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
module aoc24.Day22

open System
open System.Runtime.InteropServices

let inline nextSecretNumberFast x0 =
let inline mixPrune a b = a ^^^ b &&& 0xFFFFFFL
let x1 = (x0 <<< 6) |> mixPrune x0
let x2 = (x1 >>> 5) |> mixPrune x1
(x2 <<< 11) |> mixPrune x2

let part1 input =
let secretNumberAt pos x =
let mutable x' = x

for i = 1 to pos do
x' <- nextSecretNumberFast x'


input |> Array.Parallel.sumBy (int64 >> secretNumberAt 2000)

let part2 input =

let generate2000SecretNumbers start =
let array = GC.AllocateUninitializedArray(2000)
array[0] <- start

for i in [ 1..1999 ] do
array[i] <- nextSecretNumberFast array[i - 1]


let buyerPrices =
|> (fun x -> generate2000SecretNumbers (int64 x) |> (fun y -> y % 10L |> int8))

let buyerDifferences =
|> (fun x -> x |> Array.pairwise |> (fun (a, b) -> b - a))

let allPatterns =
[| let span = [ 0y .. 9y ]

for a in span do
for b in span do
for c in span do
for d in span do
for e in span do
let array = [| b - a; c - b; d - c; e - d |]
let span = Span<int8>(array)
let x = MemoryMarshal.Cast<int8, uint>(span)


|> (fun pattern ->
|> Array.mapi (fun i buyer ->
let mutable minIndex = ValueNone

for offset in [ 0..3 ] do
let span =
match minIndex with
| ValueSome min -> buyer.AsSpan(offset, min - offset)
| _ -> buyer.AsSpan(offset)

let cast = MemoryMarshal.Cast<int8, uint>(span)
let foundIndex = MemoryExtensions.IndexOf(cast, pattern)

if foundIndex <> -1 then
let updatedIndex = foundIndex * 4 + offset + 4

if minIndex.IsNone then
minIndex <- ValueSome updatedIndex
minIndex <- ValueSome(min minIndex.Value updatedIndex)

match minIndex with
| ValueSome idx when idx <= 1999 -> buyerPrices[i][idx] |> int
| _ -> 0)

|> Array.sum)
|> Array.max

let run = runReadAllLines part1 part2

module tests =
open Swensen.Unquote
open Xunit

let example1 = [| "1"; "10"; "100"; "2024" |]

let ``Part 1 example`` () = part1 example1 =! 37327623L

let example2 = [| "1"; "2"; "3"; "2024" |]

let ``Part 2 example`` () = part2 example2 =! 23

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