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Day 24.2
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andi0b committed Dec 30, 2024
1 parent a3df8d5 commit abaa8e5
Showing 1 changed file with 136 additions and 10 deletions.
146 changes: 136 additions & 10 deletions Day24.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
module aoc24.Day24

open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Diagnostics

type Op =
type BinaryOp =
| And
| Xor
| Or
Expand All @@ -15,6 +15,14 @@ type Op =
| "XOR" -> Xor
| _ -> failwith "unknown op"

type Op = string * BinaryOp * string * string

module Op =
let in1 ((in1, _, _, _): Op) = in1
let op ((_, op, _, _): Op) = op
let in2 ((_, _, in2, _): Op) = in2
let out ((_, _, _, out): Op) = out

let parse input =
let emptyLine = input |> Array.findIndex ((=) "")
let header, footer = input |> Array.splitAt emptyLine
Expand All @@ -30,7 +38,8 @@ let parse input =
|> Array.skip 1
|> (fun l ->
let parts = l |> StringEx.splitS " "
(parts[0], parts[1] |> Op.parse, parts[2], parts[4]))
let inops = [| parts[0]; parts[2] |] |> Array.sort
(inops[0], parts[1] |> BinaryOp.parse, inops[1], parts[4]))

startValues, connections

Expand All @@ -51,7 +60,6 @@ let part1 input =
|> TupleEx.mapFst ( TupleEx.toKeyValue >> Dictionary)
|> TupleEx.mapSnd Queue

for in1, op, in2, out in dequeueEnumerable ops do
let in1Known, in1Value = values.TryGetValue in1
let in2Known, in2Value = values.TryGetValue in2
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,7 +89,58 @@ let part1 input =
bits |> Seq.mapi (fun i b -> b <<< i) |> Seq.reduce (|||)

let part2 = (fun _ -> 0)
// FML
let part2 input =

let _, ops = parse input

let isIn = Op.in1 >> _.StartsWith("x")
let isOut = Op.out >> _.StartsWith("z")
let isFirstIn = Op.in1 >> ((=) "x00")
let isLastOut = Op.out >> ((=) "z45")

// outputs except z45 must be XORs, otherwise they are wrongly wired
let invalidOutputGates =
ops |> Array.filter (fun x -> isOut x && not <| isLastOut x && Op.op x <> Xor)

// XOR gates are always connected to either x/y on the in-side or z on the out side, otherwise wrongly wired
let invalidXorGates =
ops |> Array.filter (fun x -> Op.op x = Xor && not <| isIn x && not <| isOut x)

let insExceptFirst = ops |> Array.filter (fun x -> isIn x && not <| isFirstIn x)

// non-first XOR in gates must be connected to another XOR gate
let invalidXorIngates =
|> Array.filter (Op.op >> ((=) Xor))
|> Array.filter (fun x ->
|> Array.exists (fun (in1, op, in2, _) -> op = Xor && (in1 = Op.out x || in2 = Op.out x))
|> not)

// non-first AND in gates must be connected to an OR gate
let invalidAndIngates =
|> Array.filter (Op.op >> ((=) And))
|> Array.filter (fun x ->
|> Array.exists (fun (in1, op, in2, _) -> op = Or && (in1 = Op.out x || in2 = Op.out x))
|> not)

printfn $"wrongOutputGates: %A{invalidOutputGates}"
printfn $"invalidXorGates: %A{invalidXorGates}"
printfn $"invalidXorIngates: %A{invalidXorIngates}"
printfn $"invalidAndIngates: %A{invalidAndIngates}"

[| invalidOutputGates; invalidXorGates; invalidXorIngates; invalidAndIngates |]
|> Array.collect id
|> Op.out
|> Array.distinct
|> Array.sort
|> String.concat ","

let run = runReadAllLines part1 part2

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,16 +207,83 @@ module tests =
"y03 OR x01 -> nrd"
"hwm AND bqk -> z03"
"tgd XOR rvg -> z12"
"tnw OR pbm -> gnj"

"tnw OR pbm -> gnj" |]

let ``Part 1 example 1`` () = part1 example1 =! 0b100

let ``Part 1 example 2`` () = part1 example2 =! 2024

open System.IO

let ``Part 2 example`` () = part2 example2 =! -1
let pipeToCode extension (writerFun: StreamWriter -> unit) =
let tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName() + extension
use writer = new StreamWriter(File.OpenWrite tempFile)
writerFun writer

use proc =
new Process(
StartInfo =
Arguments = tempFile,
UseShellExecute = true,
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden

proc.Start() |> ignore


let plot values ops =
let (|StartsWith|_|) (str: string) (input: string) = input.StartsWith(str)

pipeToCode ".dot" (fun tw ->

fprintfn tw "digraph {"

let node name shape =
let color =
match name with
| StartsWith "x" -> "lightgreen"
| StartsWith "y" -> "lightblue"
| StartsWith "z" -> "yellow"
| _ -> "white"

let shapem =
match (shape, name) with
| "", (StartsWith "x" | StartsWith "y") -> "invhouse"
| "", StartsWith "z" -> "house"
| "", _ -> "oval"
| _ -> shape

fprintfn tw $""" {name} [label="{name}" style=filled fillcolor={color} shape={shapem}]"""

for name, _ in values do
node name ""

for in1, op, in2, out in ops do
let arrow, shape, weight =
match op with
| And -> "dot", "triangle", 2
| Or -> "odot", "invtriangle", 1
| Xor -> "diamond", "diamond", 5

fprintfn tw $""" {{{in1}, {in2}}} -> {out} [ weight={weight} ]"""
node out shape

fprintfn tw "}")

let testFile = "../../../inputs/day24.txt"
let testFileExists = File.Exists(testFile)

[<Fact(Skip = "requires test file", SkipUnless = nameof testFileExists)>]
let plotInput () =
let values, ops = File.ReadAllLines testFile |> parse
plot values ops

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