dwitter is a decentralised message board. It uses the ethereum blockchain and is currently deployed on the ropsten testnet.
To access the dApp you can use the web interface: https://andiwi.github.io/dwitter
The smart contracts of the dApp are developed by using the truffle framework and deployed on the ropsten ethereum testnet.
The dApp can be used through the web interface. The web interface can be accessed here: https://andiwi.github.io/dwitter. To perform new blockchain transactions (e.g. like dweets, post new dweets) you must connect your wallet.
The web interface is based on react.js, material-ui and ethers.js.
If you want to use ganache to test on a local blockchain, make sure that you use node version 8.x.
This project was written to showcase my development skills in dApp development. If you like this project and want to develop it further, contact me.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.