The repository accompanies a graduate course on multivariate methods (PSY-533) at the University of Victoria
ShinyEFA is a web application created with R and Shiny. It is created and maintained by Andriy Koval (University of Victoria) and Will Beasley (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center).
The materials in the Documentation folder are organized handouts from the website of James Steiger at Vanderbilt University. These and other resources can be found on the website of the Multivariate Statistics course taught by him.
ShinyEFA uses datasets from the psych package by William Revelle and gradient projection algorithms by Bernaards and Jennrich. The original factor pattern matrices are obtained from an unrotated solution of the factanal function of the stats packages. Advanced factor functions by James Steiger are used for RMSEA diagnostic and corrgram package by Michael Friendly from York University