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Module description

The opnsense module configures OPNsense firewalls.

It allows administrators to manage an OPNsense firewall directly via the sysutils/puppet-agent opnsense plugin and/or manage multiple firewalls from a bastion host running a puppet-agent with opn-cli installed.

The main target of module is to enable GitOps for your network security policies. Developers could submit pull request for new firewall rules and loadbalancer configurations and the network or ops team could review it and deploy it to a pre production environment for testing and verification. If everything passes, you could deploy it to production.

You can automate the following with the module:

  • plugins
  • firewall aliases
  • firewall rules
  • haproxy servers
  • haproxy backends
  • haproxy frontends
  • prometheus nodeexporter
  • syslog destinations
  • static routes


OPNsense firewall

If you want to manage your firewall directly with a puppet-agent running on the device.


OPNsense plugins:

Install requirements


Install plugin: sysutils/puppet-agent

Bastion host

If you want a bastion hosts running a puppet-agent which could manage multiple firewalls via https API calls.


Install requirements

$packages = [
$pip_packages = [
package { $packages:
    ensure => present,
-> package { $pip_packages:
    ensure   => latest,
    provider => 'pip3',

Access to the OPNsense api

If you want to manage an OPNsense firewall, you need to supply credentials and connection information for the device.

To create an api_key and api_secret see:

If you want to use ssl verification (recommended):`

To download the default self-signed cert, open the OPNsense web gui and go to System->Trust->Certificates. Search for the name: "Web GUI SSL certificate" and press the "export user cert" button.

If you use a ca signed certificate, go to System->Trust->Authorities and press the "export CA cert" button to download the ca.

Save the cert or ca and make sure the puppet agent is able to read it.


Install and enable opnsense

include opnsense

Configure OPNsense firewall(s)

You can manage multiple opnsense firewalls with this module.

In the following example a single OPNsense firewall running a puppet agent is manged which allows clients to export configuration via exported resources (manage_resources => true):

# node:

class { 'opnsense':
  manage_resources => true,
  devices => {
    '' => {
      'url'        => '',
      'api_key'    => 'your_api_key',
      'api_secret' => 'your_api_secret',
      'ssl_verify' => true,
      'timeout'    => 60,
      'ca'         => '~/.opn-cli/ca.pem',
      'plugins'    => {
        'os-helloworld' => {}
      nodeexporter => {
        enabled        => true,
        listen_address => '',
        listen_port    => '9200',
        cpu            => false,
        exec           => false,
        filesystem     => false,
        loadavg        => false,
        meminfo        => false,
        netdev         => false,
        time           => false,
        devstat        => false,
        interrupts     => true,
        ntp            => true,
        zfs            => true,
      "ensure"      => "present"      
  firewall => {
    aliases => {
      'my_http_ports_local' => {
        'devices'     => [''],
        'type'        => 'port',
        'content'     => ['80', '443'],
        'description' => 'example local http ports',
        'enabled'     => true,
        'ensure'      => present
    rules => {
      'allow all from lan' => {
        'devices'   => [''],
        'sequence'  => '1',
        'action'    => 'pass',
        'interface' => ['lan']
  syslog => {
    destinations => {
      'syslogger 1' => {
        devices     => [''],
        enabled     => true,
        transport   => 'tcp4',
        program     => 'ntp,ntpdate',
        level       => ['crit', 'alert', 'emerg'],
        facility    => ['ntp'],
        hostname    => '',
        certificate => '',
        port        => '10514',
        rfc5424     => true,
        ensure      => present,
  route => {
    static => {
      'static route 1' => {
        devices    => [''],
        network    => '',
        gateway    => 'WAN_DHCP',
        disabled   => false,
        ensure     => 'present',
  haproxy => {
    servers => {
      "server1" => {
        "devices"     => [""],
        "description" => "first local server",
        "address"     => "",
        "port"        => "8091",
      "server2" => {
        "devices"   => [""],
        "description" => "second local server",
        "address"     => "",
        "port"        => "8092",
    backends => {
      "localhost_backend" => {
        "devices"        => [""],
        "description"    => "local server backend",
        "mode"           => "http",
        "linked_servers" => ["server1", "server2"],
    frontends => {
      "localhost_frontend" => {
        "devices"           => [""],
        "description"       => "local frontend",
        "bind"              => "",
        "ssl_enabled"       => false,
        "default_backend"   => "localhost_backend",

Configure a client to export firewall aliases and rules

This feature use exported resources. You need to enable catalog storage and searching (storeconfigs) on your primary puppet server.

Here the client ( is exporting it´s security configuration to the firewall ( defined above:

# node:

class { 'opnsense::client::firewall':
  aliases => {
    'client1_example_com' => {
      'devices'     => [''],
      'type'        => 'host',
      'content'     => [''],
      'description' => ' alias',
      'enabled'     => true,
      'ensure'      => present
  rules => {
    'allow https from lan to' => {
      'devices'          => [''],
      'sequence'         => '100',
      'action'           => 'pass',
      'interface'        => ['lan'],
      'protocol'         => 'TCP',
      'destination_net'  => 'client1_example_com',
      'destination_port' => 'https',
      'ensure'           => present

Configure a client to export haproxy server, backends and frontends

This feature use exported resources. You need to enable catalog storage and searching (storeconfigs) on your primary puppet server.

Here the client ( is exporting it´s haproxy configuration to the firewall ( defined above:

# node:

class { 'opnsense::client::haproxy':
  servers  => {
    "" => {
      "devices"     => [""],
      "description" => "client test server",
      "address"     => "",
      "port"        => "443",
      "enabled"     => ture,
  backends => {
    "web_backend" => {
      "devices"        => [""],
      "description"    => "test backend",
      "mode"           => "http",
      "linked_servers" => ["server1", "server2"],
      "enabled"        => false,
  frontends => {
    "web_frontend" => {
      "devices"           => [""],
      "description"       => "test frontend",
      "bind"              => "",
      "ssl_enabled"       => false,
      "default_backend"   => "localhost_backend",
      "enabled"           => true,

Dealing with self-signed certificates

When connecting to the OPNsense API, this module will tell opn-cli to use the system-wide installed CA certificates to verify the SSL connection. However, this will only work when using a valid certificate for the OPNsense WebUI.

If the OPNsense WebUI still uses the pre-installed self-signed certificate, then it is possible to use the OPNsense CA certificate for SSL verification:

class { 'opnsense':
  use_system_ca => false,
  ca_file       => '/root/.opn-cli/ca.pem',
  ca_content    => '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

The OPNsense CA certificate can be downloaded from System: Trust: Authorities on the OPNsense firewall.

More examples

You find more examples in the examples folder.


Types and providers are documented in


For an extensive list of supported operating systems, see metadata.json


CI/CD is done via Github Actions.


You need to install the following requirements to setup the local development environment:

Create the local development environment


Running unit tests

Unit testing uses pdk


Running acceptance tests

Acceptance testing uses puppet litmus.




Release module to Puppet Forge


First prepare the release with:


This will set the version in metadata.json, create and

Commit and push

Then commit the changes and push them to the repository.

configure github actions secrets

Ensure that the following secrets are set in the github repository:

  • FORGE_API_KEY (your puppet forge api key)


Please use the GitHub issues functionality to report any bugs or requests for new features. Feel free to fork and submit pull requests for potential contributions.

All contributions must pass all existing tests, new features should provide additional unit/acceptance tests.

Release Notes

See Changelog.


Puppet providers for automating the OPNsense Firewall.






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