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Communication library for HUnit Channel Manager


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André Braghini npm version License Build result
Communication library for HUnit, HSystem Channel Manager

English · Portuguese


  1. Installation

  2. Usage


npm install hunit-js --save


import { HUnitClient } from 'hunit-js';

// Defines authentication credentials. Hotel id, user and password.
const credentials = {
  hotelId: '20',
  userName: 'hotel.user',
  password: 'hotel.password'

// Instantiate the client
const hunit = new HUnitClient(credentials);

// Do request

Example list

The examples below show the most diverse communications being made to a single hotel in a simple way.

import { HUnitClient } from 'hunit-js';

const hunit = new HUnitClient({ hotelId: '20', userName: 'hotel.user', password: 'hotel.password' });

// Get OTAs list
  .then(portalList => console.log({ portalList }))

// Get new, changed or canceled reservations
  .then(reservationList => console.log({ reservationList }))

// Get specific reservation by HUnit ID
hunit.bookingByIdRead({ locatorId: '21565' })
  .then(reservation => console.log({ reservation }))

// Get specific reservation by Portal ID
hunit.bookingByIdRead({ portalId: '1', channelReservationId: '155511' })
  .then(reservation => console.log({ reservation }))

// Confirm receipt of reservation
const confirmationList = [
  { reservationId: '12', pmsReservationIdentifier: 'my_id_1' },
  { reservationId: '52', pmsReservationIdentifier: 'my_id_2' },
  { reservationId: '589', pmsReservationIdentifier: 'my_id_5' }
  .then(confirmeResult => console.log({ confirmeResult }))

// Update inventory
const updates = [
  // Remove availability from apartment 12, from December 25 to December 31
  // if you do not enter the day of the week in the "dateRange" tag, all days will be considered
    roomTypeId: '12',
    availability: 0,
    dateRange: { from: new Date('2021-12-25'), to: new Date('2021-12-31') }
  // Remove availability from apartment 12, during the weekends of January
    roomTypeId: '12',
    availability: 0,
    dateRange: { from: new Date('2021-01-01'), to: new Date('2021-01-31'), fri: true, sat: true }
  // Close availability from apartment 222 sending a sell stop
    roomTypeId: '222',
    dateRange: { from: new Date('2021-12-25'), to: new Date('2021-12-31') },
    stopSell: true
  // Open availability from apartment 15 canceling a sell stop
    roomTypeId: '15',
    dateRange: { from: new Date('2021-12-25'), to: new Date('2021-12-31') },
    stopSell: false
  .then(availabilityUpdateResult => console.log({ availabilityUpdateResult }))

// Get packages list
  .then(packageList => console.log({ packageList }))

// Get room rate list
  .then(roomRateList => console.log({ roomRateList }))

// Update occupancy rate
const occupancyRateList = [
  { date: new Date('2020-01-01'), occupancy: 15 },
  { date: new Date('2020-01-02'), occupancy: 21 },
  { date: new Date('2020-01-03'), occupancy: 13 }
  .then(rateUpdateResult => console.log({ rateUpdateResult }))

The requests below are made to get reservations and confirm the receipt of several hotels at the same time in a single request.

import { HUnitClient } from 'hunit-js';

const hunit = new HUnitClient({ userName: 'hotel.user', password: 'hotel.password' });

// Get new, changed or canceled reservations for all hotels
  .then(reservationList => console.log({ reservationList }))

// Confirm receipt of reservation for all hotels
const confirmationListOneCall = [
  { hotelId: '65', reservationId: '12', pmsReservationIdentifier: 'my_id_1' },
  { hotelId: '65', reservationId: '52', pmsReservationIdentifier: 'my_id_2' },
  { hotelId: '77', reservationId: '98', pmsReservationIdentifier: 'my_id_78' }
  .then(confirmeResult => console.log({ confirmeResult }))