Atom Localization is a package for Atom Editor.
###Supported Languages
- Chinese Simplified
- Chinese Traditional
- Danish
- Please install through Atom->Preferences->Packages: localization
###Localization in your language Any translation in languages not listed above are welcome, as well as better translation for those in list.
###How to localize
- Download the json file and replace "Your Translation" fileds.
- You can also add translations for other menu. Just follow the format.
- Put the file into /i18n under root directory of the package.
- Add your language name to languages.json under the root directory of the package.
{"language":"language name", "path":"../i18n/Your Translation.json"}
- Make a pull request to the repo, or send the file to [email protected]
###Release Notes
- Upgrade to Atom 0.72.0
- Add Danish Support. (By Per)
- Remove old configuration when upgrade to new version
#####Version 0.3.0
- Fixed some bugs
#####Version 0.1.0
- Add Simplified Chinese Support
- Add Traditional Chinese Support