Node.js websocket server to communicate with our arduino devices
To correct execution of project, we recommend install these programs and these versions:
* NVM (v0.33.6). * Node.js (v8.9.1 LTS). * Serialport (v6.0.4). * MongoDB (v2.2.30)
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
Then follow unix installation procedure
git clone
Go to folder, install project and run server:
cd Arduinom/
npm install
npm run server
This library will scan for arduino devices and help to bridge web application to them. In order to debug you may use
DEBUG=* node/deviceFactor.js
To see a complete installation guide, please visit: Documentation in Spanish.
To see a complete installation guide, please visit: Documentation in English.
Refer to section 5. of Previous Requirements (5. Issues).