Exercises to practise
This repository stores some exercises that I do in workgroup to train.
- docker-compose version => 1.17.1
- docker version => 20.10.17
Check out your uid and gid of current user and edit docker-compose.yml
file according to these two arguments, ignore it if it is: 1001
- C_UID: ${C_UID-1001}
- C_GID: ${C_GID-1001}
Run and build the application using docker image prepared for it:
docker-compose up -d
Once it's done, install all needed packages using composer installed:
docker exec -it workgrouptraining_phpfpm_1 composer install
It has a test suite in order to coverage code written in src directory, you can run them just by:
docker exec -it workgrouptraining_phpfpm_1 vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml