Replay SQL Backups from blob / managed backups to target servers.
This tool provides a seamless way to replay log backups to multiple targets. This is useful when setting up a complex AlwaysOn set up / migration, especially for larger databases that may take hours to auto seed. Currently only supports source databases that are configured with SQL Server Managed Backup to Azure or databases backed up to Azure blobs with a central backup server solution. A logging table is used to track last applied log on a given target.
This solution can also be used to restore and recover the latest available full backup for integrity checks. Just use the -RestoreWithRecovery
switch when calling Restore-LatestFullBackup
A sample all-in-one set-up:
- Use the SQLBackupHistoryETL solution to consolidate all your backup history into a single SQL Server / Azure SQL Database
- Create SQLBlobShipping logging table on the same server
- Start SQLBlobShipping
This set up provides an easy, resilient way to:
- Restore your databases to any target server in the event of disaster - you don't require the source msdb to run restores
- Run scheduled restores for backup integrity checks
- Continously run SQLBlobShipping for migration / setting up new replicas. New logs will continously be applied to target databases in the restoring state and in sync with the primary. Simply join to AG or recover database when ready.
Requires the SqlServer
Optionally requires Invoke-SqlCmd2
if using an Azure SQL DB as a central backup history server with certificate authentication.
Import the module.
Import-Module .\src\SQLBlobShipping -Force
The config files can live anywhere so it can be source controlled independently. Set the path to the config files. Sample config files are available in this repo (.\src\SQLBlobShipping\Config).
$LogServerConfigPath = 'C:\SQLBlobShipping\src\SQLBlobShipping\Config\LogServer.config.json'
$RestoreConfigPath = 'C:\SQLBlobShipping\src\SQLBlobShipping\Config\SampleRestore.config.json'
$LogServerConfig = @(Read-RestoreConfig -Path $LogServerConfigPath).LogServerConfig
$RestoreConfig = @(Read-RestoreConfig -Path $RestoreConfigPath).RestoreConfig
[bool]$UseCentralBackupHistoryServer = @(Read-RestoreConfig -Path $RestoreConfigPath).UseCentralBackupHistoryServer #this will be set to 0 in the config
foreach ($Config in $RestoreConfig) {
foreach ($TargetServer in $Config.TargetServers) {
Restore-LatestFullBackup -SourceServerInstance $Config.SourceServer `
-SourceDatabase $Config.SourceDatabaseName `
-UseCentralBackupHistoryServer $UseCentralBackupHistoryServer `
-TargetServerInstance $TargetServer `
-TargetDatabase $Config.TargetDatabaseName `
-TargetDataPath $Config.TargetDataPath `
-TargetLogPath $Config.TargetLogPath `
-LogServerInstance $LogServerConfig.LogServer `
-LogDatabase $LogServerConfig.LogDatabase `
-ScriptOnly $false
#-RestoreWithRecovery `
#-RestoreCredential <RestorePSCredential>
will apply available transaction logs to all targets. Running the script below on a schedule will constantly replay any new logs found to all targets
foreach ($Config in $RestoreConfig) {
foreach ($TargetServer in $Config.TargetServers) {
Restore-RemainingLogBackups -SourceServerInstance $Config.SourceServer `
-SourceDatabase $Config.SourceDatabaseName `
-UseCentralBackupHistoryServer $UseCentralBackupHistoryServer `
-TargetServerInstance $TargetServer `
-TargetDatabase $Config.TargetDatabaseName `
-LogServerInstance $LogServerConfig.LogServer `
-LogDatabase $LogServerConfig.LogDatabase `
-ScriptOnly $false
#-RestoreCredential <RestorePSCredential>
This solution works well with a central backup history server that consolidates backup history from all your sql server machines. If using this solution, some additional parameters need to be passed in. An example of config files for this is available in this repo. This example also uses the central backup history server as the log server. This gives an all-in-one solution - for example, use a standalone Azure SQL DB as the central backup history + log server and SQLBlobShip to on any target.
$LogServerConfigPath = 'C:\SQLBlobShipping\src\SQLBlobShipping\Config\LogServer.config.json'
$RestoreConfigPath = 'C:\SQLBlobShipping\src\SQLBlobShipping\Config\SampleRestoreCentralServer.config.json'
$CentralBackupServerConfigPath = 'C:\SQLBlobShipping\src\SQLBlobShipping\Config\CentralBackupHistoryServer.config.json'
$LogServerConfig = @(Read-RestoreConfig -Path $LogServerConfigPath).LogServerConfig
$RestoreConfig = @(Read-RestoreConfig -Path $RestoreConfigPath).RestoreConfig
[bool]$UseCentralBackupHistoryServer = @(Read-RestoreConfig -Path $RestoreConfigPath).UseCentralBackupHistoryServer
$CentralBackupServerConfig = @(Read-RestoreConfig -Path $CentralBackupServerConfigPath).CentralBackupHistoryServerConfig
#Create credential to central server
[string]$userName = 'myuser'
[string]$userPassword = 'mypass'
[securestring]$secStringPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $userPassword -AsPlainText -Force
[pscredential]$credObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($userName, $secStringPassword)
#You can also pass in certificate authentication instead for Azure DBs
#$AzureDBCertificateAuth = @{TenantID = <AzureTenantIDHere>; ClientID = <AzureClientIDHere>; FullCertificatePath = "Cert:\LocalMachine\My\<CertificateThumbprintHere>"}
foreach ($Config in $RestoreConfig) {
foreach ($TargetServer in $Config.TargetServers) {
Restore-LatestFullBackup -SourceServerInstance $Config.SourceServer `
-SourceDatabase $Config.SourceDatabaseName `
-UseCentralBackupHistoryServer $UseCentralBackupHistoryServer `
-CentralBackupHistoryServerConfig $CentralBackupServerConfig `
-CentralBackupHistoryCredential $credObject `
-TargetServerInstance $TargetServer `
-TargetDatabase $Config.TargetDatabaseName `
-TargetDataPath $Config.TargetDataPath `
-TargetLogPath $Config.TargetLogPath `
-LogServerInstance $LogServerConfig.LogServer `
-LogDatabase $LogServerConfig.LogDatabase `
-LogServerCredential $credObject `
-ScriptOnly $false
#-CentralBackupHistoryServerAzureDBCertificateAuth $AzureDBCertificateAuth #Optionally can pass in certificate authentication
#-RestoreCredential <RestorePSCredential>
Optional: Apply last available diff backup to all targets (this requires central backup server with backup to URL. Managed backups don't support diff backups)
foreach ($Config in $RestoreConfig) {
foreach ($TargetServer in $Config.TargetServers) {
Restore-LastDiffBackup -SourceServerInstance $Config.SourceServer `
-SourceDatabase $Config.SourceDatabaseName `
-CentralBackupHistoryServerConfig $CentralBackupServerConfig `
-CentralBackupHistoryCredential $credObject `
-TargetServerInstance $TargetServer `
-TargetDatabase $Config.TargetDatabaseName `
-LogServerInstance $LogServerConfig.LogServer `
-LogDatabase $LogServerConfig.LogDatabase `
-LogServerCredential $credObject `
-ScriptOnly $false
#-CentralBackupHistoryServerAzureDBCertificateAuth $AzureDBCertificateAuth #Optionally can pass in certificate authentication
#-RestoreCredential <RestorePSCredential>
foreach ($Config in $RestoreConfig) {
foreach ($TargetServer in $Config.TargetServers) {
Restore-RemainingLogBackups -SourceServerInstance $Config.SourceServer `
-SourceDatabase $Config.SourceDatabaseName `
-UseCentralBackupHistoryServer $UseCentralBackupHistoryServer `
-CentralBackupHistoryServerConfig $CentralBackupServerConfig `
-CentralBackupHistoryCredential $credObject `
-TargetServerInstance $TargetServer `
-TargetDatabase $Config.TargetDatabaseName `
-LogServerInstance $LogServerConfig.LogServer `
-LogDatabase $LogServerConfig.LogDatabase `
-LogServerCredential $credObject `
-ScriptOnly $false
#-CentralBackupHistoryServerAzureDBCertificateAuth $AzureDBCertificateAuth #Optionally can pass in certificate authentication
#-RestoreCredential <RestorePSCredential>
Create the logging table on the log server located in .\src\SQLBlobShipping\SQLScript folder of this repo
Prior to restoring backups on target servers, ensure that credentials to the storage container are created on all target servers in order to access the storage account/blob files. A helper function Out-CreateSQLStorageCredentialScript
is available in this repo to output the TSQL create script by passing in the storage/container/key information. This function requires the AzureRM
module to be installed.
Sample JSON config
"UseCentralBackupHistoryServer": 0,
"RestoreConfig": [
"SourceDatabaseName": "AGDB1",
"SourceServer": "",
"TargetServers": [
"TargetDatabaseName": "AGDB1",
"TargetDataPath": "F:\\data",
"TargetLogPath": "G:\\log"
"SourceDatabaseName": "DBADatabase",
"SourceServer": "",
"TargetServers": [
"TargetDatabaseName": "DBADatabase_Restored",
"TargetDataPath": "F:\\data",
"TargetLogPath": "G:\\log"
A log table (dbo.SQLBlobShippingLog) is used to log all restore operations along with errors. The table can be created on any SQL Server instance using the script located in .\src\SQLBlobShipping\SQLScript
Once created, the log server / database needs to be configured in a JSON file
"LogServerConfig": {
"LogServer": "",
"LogDatabase": "DBADatabase"
Databases may need to be restored using specific credentials (ex. SA) to ensure db owner is the same as the source database. Restore credentials can be optionally passed in using the -RestoreCredential
parameter when calling Restore-LatestFullBackup