react components built on top of the next-router built on next-routes and the built-in next routing
- Next js is very opinionated about routing.
- After js wants you to roll your own routing.
- next-routes is nice but doesn't give all of what we need
- prefer using render props and component injection over HOC
Lets hook this into the routes configuration in routes.js
import Routes from "next-routes";
import { withRouteComponents } from "next-router-components";
const routes = new Routes();
.add("pagefoo", "/browse/:item?")
export default withRouteComponents(routes);
After this is configured just import the components and start routing!
import { Route, ToggableRouteLink } from "next-router-components"
// your react code will go here
{queryKey: string , to: string, component: React.ComponentType }
import { Route } from "next-router-components"
const queryKey="item"; // this key is used to reference either
// A: a slug param defined in the next-routes route table.
// B: a query string param.
const SomePage: React.SFC = () =>
<Route queryKey={queryKey} to="pagefoo" component={PageFoo} />
<Route queryKey={queryKey} to="pagebar" component={PageBar} />
<Route queryKey={queryKey} to="pagequaz" component={PageQuaz} />
<Route queryKey={queryKey} to="pagefi" component={PageFi} />
{queryKey: string , to: string, children(args: ToggleRouteArgs) => JSX.Element }
import { TogglableRouteLink } from "next-router-components"
{({ isSelected }) =>
? <div className="selected"> some data </div>
: <div > some data </div>