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Sample State

Andrew Li Dong edited this page Feb 22, 2019 · 1 revision

Sample State

  entities: {
    users: {
      1: {
        id: 1,
        name: '',
        image_url: '',
        bio: '',
        authored_stories: []

    stories: {
      1: {
        id: 1,
        title: '',
        subtitle: '',
        image_url: '',
        author_id: 1,
        claps: 20

    comments: {
      1: {
        id: 1,
        authorId: 2,
        storyId: 1,
        body: '',
        claps: 20

    popularStories: {
      100: {
        id: 100,
        title: '',
        subtitle: '',
        image_url: '',
        author_id: 1,
        claps: 20

  UI: {
    loading: true / false,

  errors: {
    login: ["Incorrect username/password"],
    storyForm: ["Body cannot be left blank"]

  session: {
    currentUserId: 1

  modal: {
    reveal: 'login' / 'signup'
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