This is a sample JSON REST API project implemented using API Platform.
docker-compose up
— containers with all the dev dependencies.- Visit for API documentation
- On macOS 10.14+:
sudo installer -pkg /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg -target /
docker-sync-stack start
docker-sync-stack clean
when you're done.
docker-compose exec php_app ./bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load -n
Visit for API documentation with sample requests and responses.
All the monetary values are USD and displayed in cents.
All the endpoints are available without authentication, yolo.
GET /api/docs.json
GET /api/users
POST /api/users {"nickname": "string"}
PUT /api/users/{id} {"nickname": "string"}
GET /api/users/{id}
DELETE /api/users/{id}
Some dummy data to play around:
docker-compose exec php_app bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load -n
There's also a Postman collection in the box.
- Create a user;
- Create a product for the user;
- Create an order for the user containing products linked to them — the user should have enough on their balance;
- Go wild with the order contents and shipping while it's on hold, limited by your balance;
- Product updates will impact on hold order costs but are deliberately not checked against the balance;
- Orders are deliberately not deletable — you could say it's a very opinionated abandoned cart;
- Send order to production — checking the balance yet again.
- Testing:
docker-compose exec php_app make test
- Static analysis (PHPStan + Psalm):
docker-compose exec php_app make stan
- All the things:
docker-compose exec php_app make ci
To deploy this on production you would have to make the docker build multistage, leave out the dev tools and tighten up security.