Inspiration came from the following:
# Install dotfiles
git clone [email protected]:andrewpthorp/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
rake install
# Follow the instructions to install Homebrew from, then
brew bundle
# Change Shell to zsh
chsh -s $(which zsh)
# Install zgen (zsh plugin manager)
# Install neovim python support
pip3 install --user pynvim
# Install vim-plug, follow directions on
# Install powerline, follow directions on
# Install powerline fonts (Droid Sans Mono, Liberation Mono)
cd $HOME/.config/nvim (mkdir `nvim` if it does not exist)
ln -s ~/.vim/plugin plugin
ln -s ~/.vimrc init.vim
# We have rust installed from `brew bundle`
cargo install proximity-sort
# The following gems should be installed whenever a new version of ruby is
# installed:
# - awesome_print
# - rufo
Any problems I encounter will be documented in
so I can recall them next time.