On December 8th, 2014, the ESPN API will no longer be active. You can read more about this in their announcement.
Simply Ruby Wrapper for the ESPN Developer API.
gem install espn
First, setup your client:
client = ESPN::Client.new(api_key: 'your_api_key_here')
Next, make calls against the ESPN API.
The Sports API is what they call a 'Helper' API. This allows you to pull out data for different sections of the API. The Sports API is not documented, but you can see how it works on their API explorer.
# => [#<Hashie::Mash name="baseball"...>]
For more information about the Athletes API, view the documentation.
# => [#<Hashie::Mash fullName="Chase Utley"...>]
client.athlete(12345, :nfl).fullName
# => #<Hashie::Mash fullName="LeSean McCoy"...>
For more information about the Audio API, view the documentation.
client.audio(podcast_id: 5)
# => [#<Hashie::Mash id=8656148 premium=false description=...>]
For more information about the ESPN NOW API, view the documentation.
# => [#<Hashie::Mash headline="Halladay's future"...>]
For more information about the Headlines API, view the documentation.
# => [#<Hashie::Mash headline="Ronnie Brewer has deal with Rockets"...>]
client.headline(12345, :nfl)
# => #<Hashie::Mash headline="Eagles won't be good this year"...>
For more information about the Medals API, view the documentation.
# => #<Hashie::Mash season=#<Hashie::Mash...> sports=[] competitors=[]...>
For more information about the Resarch Notes API, view the documentation.
# => [#<Hashie::Mash headline="Cowboys Stink"...>]
# => #<Hashie::Mash headline="Cowboys Stink"...>
For more information about the Scores & Schedules API, view the documentation.
# => [#<Hashie::Mash competitions=[#<Hashie::Mash competitors=[]...]...>]
# => #<Hashie::Mash competitions=[#<Hashie::Mash competitors=[]...]...>
For more information about the Standings API, view the documentation.
# => [#<Hashie::Mash name="Eastern" groups=[]...>]
For more information about the Teams API, view the documentation.
# => [#<Hashie::Mash name="Phillies"...>]
client.team(12345, :nfl)
# => #<Hashie::Mash name="Eagles"...>
For more information about the Video API, view the documentation.
# => [#<Hashie::Mash name="Video Channel" videos=[]...>]
This is a Ruby Wrapper around the ESPN developer API. If you want to see how their API works, you can visit their developer center.
A ton of inspiration was taken from Octokit. Thanks to those guys for showing the world how API Wrappers should work.
Copyright (c) 2013 Andrew Thorp. See LICENSE for details.