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Project Tests

Andrew Davidson edited this page Jan 24, 2021 · 9 revisions

Project Tests

To help visualise the tests here is the project structure:

    |     |
    |     -Module
    |     |     |
    |     |     -Public
    |     |     -Private
    |     -Module
    |           |
    |           -Public
    |           -Private

For the ProjectPath

Test Tag Description
All Project Run all test (this is the default option)
Checking fixed folder structure n/a Checking that the fixed folders Source and Tests\Unit exist

For each module

Test Tag Description
Private folder exists n/a A Private folder exists
Public folder exists n/a A Public folder exists
Unit Test folder exists n/a A corresponding module folder exists in the Tests\Unit folder

For each script in the module

Test Tag Description
Public script has a unit test n/a A correctly named unit test exists in the Unit tests folder
Public script has a valid verb-noun format n/a Conforms to the Verb-Noun structure and Verb is valid
Private script has a valid format n/a Does not follow Verb-Noun format (it may follow VerbNoun format though)

At the moment Project tests should not used in the -Include or -Exclude options

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