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Upload Python Package
Python package

A Python client for the Radio Browser API, allowing users to search and filter thousands of online radio stations.

📥 Installation

Install pyradios via pip:

pip install pyradios

🚀 Usage

Basic Example

from pyradios import RadioBrowser

rb = RadioBrowser()
results ="BBC Radio 1", name_exact=True)


Sample Output

    "changeuuid": "4f7e4097-4354-11e8-b74d-52543be04c81",
    "stationuuid": "96062a7b-0601-11e8-ae97-52543be04c81",
    "name": "BBC Radio 1",
    "url": "",
    "homepage": "",
    "tags": "bbc,indie,entertainment,music,rock,pop",
    "country": "United Kingdom",
    "countrycode": "GB",
    "language": "english",
    "codec": "MP3",
    "bitrate": 128

🔍 Faceted Search with RadioFacets

What is RadioFacets?

RadioFacets extends RadioBrowser by providing faceted search functionality. It allows you to filter radio stations by various attributes such as:

  • Tags (tags)
  • Country Code (countrycode)
  • Language (language)
  • State/Region (state)
  • Audio Codec (codec)

Example: Using RadioFacets

from pyradios import RadioBrowser, RadioFacets

rb = RadioBrowser()
rf = RadioFacets(rb)

print(len(rf))  # Total stations available

rf_be = rf.narrow(countrycode="BE")  # Narrow by Belgium (BE)

rf_nl = rf_be.narrow(language="dutch")  # Further narrow by Dutch language

rf_reset = rf_nl.broaden(countrycode="BE", language="dutch")  # Remove filters
print(len(rf_reset))  # Back to original count


  • narrow(**params) → Adds filters and narrows results.
  • broaden(*keys, **params) → Removes filters and broadens results.
  • len(rf) → Returns the number of stations matching the filters.
  • rf.result → Stores the list of filtered stations.

Example Output

53768  # Total available stations
398    # Stations in Belgium
108    # Dutch-speaking stations in Belgium
53768  # Reset back to all stations

📖 Documentation

To explore all available methods and options, use Python’s built-in help() function:

from pyradios import RadioBrowser, RadioFacets


🛠 Development Setup

Clone the repository and set up the environment:

git clone
cd pyradios
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .[dev]

✅ Running Tests

Execute the test suite using pytest:


📌 Release History

  • Work in progress

📄 License

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more details.

👥 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Follow these steps to contribute:

  1. Fork the repository (
  2. Create a feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add feature fooBar')
  4. Push to your branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Submit a Pull Request

📧 Author: Andre P. Santos – @ztzandre[email protected]
