lightweight and minimalist structure for building REST API
create a dotenv file in the root directory and add these line and fill
#debug config | DO NOT CHANGE
DEBUG="http server database modules info"
# server and database config
- Create a new folder in the root path and name it
- Put your module folder inside.
- The name of your module folder will be the
api url endpoint
-- Modules
-- auth
-- check-list
-- users
-- index.js
-- package.json
-- ...
The module must contain at least index.js
file which exposes the express router
This is for example the auth module. Here, the api endpoint will be /auth
const router = require("express").Router()
const ctrl = require("./auth.controller")"/", ctrl.login)
router.get("/check-email/:email", ctrl.checkEmail)
// this export is required
module.exports = router