What's Changed
- feature(logger): added type & duration filters for logs by @aasthajn in #312
- Issue-125: search auto scroll by @animeshdeepak in #319
- fix: ktor response not recorded by @epicadk in #320
- fix: memory leak when activity is destroyed by @rishabhsinghbisht in #322
- fix(logger): log tag truncation fix (issue #317) by @aasthajn in #325
- fixed infinite loading problem by @pavelperc in #330
- feature(network): Basic GraphQL support added by @pavelperc in #328
- Refactor addPlutoKtorInterceptor to Improve URL Handling by @YouSsef3Ssam in #332
- chore: publish & versioning cleanup by @srtvprateek in #334
- chore: gradle version upgrade by @srtvprateek in #335
- chore: migration gradle scripts to kotlin dsl from groovy by @srtvprateek in #339
- Add support for search occurrences count and search navigation by @kpchandora in #338
- chore(publish): publishing to MavenCentral implemented by @srtvprateek in #341
- chore(network): interceptor integration logic updated by @srtvprateek in #342
- readme updates for publish changes by @srtvprateek in #343
New Contributors
- @aasthajn made their first contribution in #312
- @animeshdeepak made their first contribution in #319
- @pavelperc made their first contribution in #330
- @YouSsef3Ssam made their first contribution in #332
- @kpchandora made their first contribution in #338
Full Changelog: v2.2.2...v3.0.0