Requirements implemented:
- endpoint for create basket
- endpoint for add articles to basket
- endpoint for retrieving basket summary including VAT calculation
- endpoint for updating the stauts of a basket
- use Swagger
- DDD + event sourcing
- SQL Server + Entity Framework code first
- unit tests using MSTest & MOQ for mocking
BasketAggregate is single source of thruth
read model in SQL (Baskets table)
event publishing/handling implemented synchronously in memory, however the solution proposed is easily extensible and implementations using Kafka, service bus etc could be added
event store (write model) implemented using SQL for convenience (Events table), would otherwise use a NoSQL DB
solution would be more fragmented based on the infrastructure choice, example Infrastructure.NoSql or Infrastructure.Write.... for the event store
repository not unit tested due to DbContext dependency (not easily testable) however in the past used researched and/or implemented several approaches:
1) using concrete DbContext dependency using EF In Memory database -->downside tests run extremly slow relatively (not feasible for 10.000 unit tests), moreover, argueably the Unit tests become integration tests 2) wrapping DbContext using an Interface --> downside DbContext methods that are used need to be added to the interface... is overall hacky 3) arguably SqlRepository itself should not be tested and be itself considered as a wrapper over DbContext
In my opinion I would chose either 2 or 3 if absolutely had to unit test the DbContext
some implementations just made 'so they work' as they were not relevant for the overal architecture... example InMemoryEventPublisher.cs (using switch, hardcoded event tpyes etc...)
in real life would not expose infrastructure types on the front-end, example Basket table type from Infrastructure.Common is exposed all the way to front-end API