This is a fork of the original html5sortable project with various patches added from the community.
- Add reload method
- Custom markup for placeholder
- Add oldindex property to sortupdate event data
- Support list items of variable height
- Improved handling of handles such that sub elements can be interacted with
- Fix false negative bug when dropping onto same index in new container.
- AngularJS directive.
- Fix for reload method causing options to be reset to defaults.
- Less than 1KB (minified and gzipped).
- Built using native HTML5 drag and drop API.
- Supports both list and grid style layouts.
- Similar API and behaviour to jquery-ui sortable plugin.
- Works in IE 5.5+, Firefox 3.5+, Chrome 3+, Safari 3+ and, Opera 12+.
- Comes with an AngularJS directive.
To use it with AngularJS please see the examples.
Use sortable
method to create a sortable list:
Use .sortable-dragging
and .sortable-placeholder
CSS selectors to change the styles of a dragging item and its placeholder respectively.
Use sortupdate
event if you want to do something when the order changes (e.g. storing the new order):
$('.sortable').sortable().bind('sortupdate', function(e, ui) {
This event is triggered when the user stopped sorting and the DOM position has changed.
ui.item contains the current dragged element.
ui.item.index() contains the new index of the dragged element
ui.oldindex contains the old index of the dragged element
ui.startparent contains the element that the dragged item comes from
ui.endparent contains the element that the dragged item was added to
Use items
option to specifiy which items inside the element should be sortable:
items: ':not(.disabled)'
Use handle
option to restrict drag start to the specified element:
handle: 'h2'
Setting forcePlaceholderSize
option to true, forces the placeholder to have a height:
forcePlaceholderSize: true
Use connectWith
option to create connected lists:
$('#sortable1, #sortable2').sortable({
connectWith: '.connected'
Use placeholder
option to specify the markup of the placeholder:
items: 'tr' ,
placeholder : '<tr><td colspan="7"> </td></tr>'
To remove the sortable functionality completely:
To disable the sortable temporarily:
To enable a disabled sortable:
To reload a sortable:
The API is compatible with jquery-ui. So you can use jquery-ui as a polyfill in older browsers:
test: Modernizr.draganddrop,
yep: 'jquery.sortable.js',
nope: 'jquery-ui.min.js',
complete: function() {
$('.sortable').sortable().bind('sortupdate', function(e, ui) {
//Store the new order.
Original code by Ali Farhadi. This version is mantained by Alexandru Badiu.
Released under the MIT license.