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Rails Application Template with and other opinionated decisions

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Rails Application Template with and other opinionated decisions

$ rvm 2.5.0
$ gem install rails -v=5.2.0.rc1
$ git clone [email protected]:andrzejsliwa/rails_components_template.git ~/.rails_components_template
$ ln -s ~/.rails_components_template/.railsrc ~/.railsrc
$ rails new someapp
$ cd someapp
$ foreman start -f  

or apply it on existing application: (WARNING!: check duplicates from insertions)

$ cd someapp
$ bin/rails app:template LOCATION=~/.rails_components_template/template.rb

Batteries included ;)

  • removed sprockets and replaced it with webpacker
  • moved app/script to frontend, and applied on it with support for stimulus
  • configured webpacker to point with source_path to frontend directory
  • switched from include tag to pack tags
  • moved turbolinks (with leaving gem for rails integration on redirecting), actioncable, rails-ujs to yarn
  • prepended view path with frontend for komponents views
  • configured komponent in application.rb and in controller
  • added cable.js to frontend directory
  • replaced sass with postcss
  • added postcss-import, postcss-cssnext, postcss-nested (with support for BEM)
  • added stylelint with configuration
  • added normalize.css
  • added foreman with default Procfile (for heroku) and for development
  • added custom user handling for postgres via ENV variable
  • added support for .env via dotenv-rails
  • allow webpack-dev-server host as allowed origin for connect-src in content_security_policy
  • added browserlint with nice defaults
  • replaced erb with slim for templates
  • added task for conversion of erb -> slim (with html2slim gem)
  • added rake hook for assets:precompile to handle yarn and webpacker compilation on heroku
  • turn on gem for redis (action cable)
  • added guard with extensions (migrations, rspec, rubocop, shell, spring)
  • added guard configuration
  • added pry with extensions (rescue, byebug)
  • added factory_bot_rails as replacement for fixtures
  • added faker for generating fake data in specs
  • added & configured annotate (database structure annotations in models)
  • added awesome_print for rails console
  • replaced standard tests with rspec
  • enabled support for system specs in rails_helper
  • added missing generator for system spec
  • added selenium-webdriver to drive system spec
  • added oop-interface for real interfaces (with narrowing scope)
  • added methods for making referencing methods in Ruby easy
  • added airbrake & newrelic_rpm for error handling and monitoring
  • added rake mutant tasks (configured in .mutant_subjects and .mutant_ignored_subjects)
  • defined default rake task on spec & mutant
  • added RAILS_EAGER_LOAD flag to detect NameErrors on CI and solve issue with mutant running
  • configured overcommit


Rails Application Template with and other opinionated decisions







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