- Zelda-themed dungeon crawler
- 2019-2020 FSE final project for ICS4U
- This project is my first experience with modular programming in Java, though I expect future projects to be made in c++ instead
- Source code found in src/
- Entry point to game: RunGame.java
Disclamer: For future projects I need to learn how to package the code into 1 exe file - Sprite images and un-processed images found in files in classes/
- Includes .jcw file aka this repository is from a JCreator workspace
- Single-player offline game
- Top down view - Similar to "The Legend of Zelda" games
- Navigate character through dungeon rooms and defeat enemies
- Instructions and controls are in-game
I implemented some utility features (for ease of development) from scratch such as:
- Resource manager - Sprites only loaded from file once
- Tileset + Tilemap for level creation
- Java 8 with Java Swing Module