A Python script and Arduino sketch reading an logging indoor air quality. For the full write up of this project, see https://andybradford.dev/2019/11/29/monitoring-my-indoor-air-quality.
This repo is intended as a reference for what I built. If you want to build something similar, feel free to use this as is or add / change your own stuff. If you do something cool, I'd love to hear about it, you can tweet me at @andycb or leave a comment on the above blog post
- Make sure you have Python 2 instaled
- Install the Adafruit IO library for Python 2 by running
pip install adafruit-io
. - Get an aPI key for Adafruit IO: https://io.adafruit.com/api/docs/#authentication
- Paste your API key into RunMonitor.py
Run python RunMonitor.py
to run the script.
The Nunito font used is Nunito by Vernon Adams, check it out on Google Fonts: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Nunito