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Andreas Dieckmann edited this page Dec 5, 2015 · 6 revisions

How does batch processing with DynamoAutomation work? It is based on a master/slave graph model which means every batch process will include one master graph and one or several slave graphs.

Master/Slave Model

The master graph is always run from the Dynamo sandbox which means it doesn't contain any Revit specific functionality. It typically has the following tasks:

  • Identify the Revit files to be processed
  • Identify the Dynamo graph(s) to be run on the Revit models
  • Drive the batch process (i.e. start Revit, load a model, start the Dynamo addin, run a graph and quit Revit again)

The slave graphs are always run from Dynamo's Revit addin. A slave graph contains the entire logic of what is actually to be done with the Revit models so contents of those graphs will vary significantly. On an abstract level, slave graphs typically have the following tasks:

  • Extract information from a model or alter the model in a specified manner
  • Report the extracted information or the actions performed on the model

What this means is that master graphs can be standardised while slave graphs are very diverse in what they actually do (also see master graph scenarios).

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