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Puts some sugar onto Sentry.

Send issues easily with Data and special Scope from one method.

Convert the console.error, console.warn etc.. to Sentry Issues.

Setup to Convert consoles to issues

This is only what is needed.

// Initialize the Sentry as you do
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';
  dsn: "https://<your sentry link>",

// Instantiate the DynaSentry
import {DynaSentry, EConsoleTypes} from "dyna-sentry";
const dynaSentry = new DynaSentry({
    captureConsole: {
        consoleTypes: [
            // LOG, INFO, DEBUG are also available

Whenever your app console.error or console.warn an issue will be sent to entry.

The first text arguments of the console are used as the Title of the issue and all the rest as Additional Data.

Filter consoles

You can filter out consoles to not send them to Sentry. This is needed when you send the Logs also, since Sentry is consoling the POST for each sent issue.

import {DynaSentry, EConsoleTypes} from "dyna-sentry";
const dynaSentry = new DynaSentry({
    captureConsole: {
        consoleTypes: [
            // LOG, INFO, DEBUG are also available
        filter: (consoleType, consoleArgs, consoleText) => {
            if (consoleText.indeOf('invalid customer id') return false;
            return true;

Filter out easily consoles with texts

You can filter out consoles to not send them to Sentry. This is needed when you send the Logs also, since Sentry is consoling the POST for each sent issue.

import {DynaSentry, EConsoleTypes} from "dyna-sentry";
const dynaSentry = new DynaSentry({
    captureConsole: {
        consoleTypes: [
            // LOG, INFO, DEBUG are also available
        filterOut: {
            texts: [

Setup to Send issues manually

// Initialize the Sentry as you do
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';
  dsn: "https://<your sentry link>",

// Instantiate the DynaSentry
import {DynaSentry} from "dyna-sentry";
const dynaSentry = new DynaSentry({Sentry});

// Wherever in your app send an issue to Sentry
    title: 'Cannot send email',
    data: {email},

Note: You can use sendIssues with or without captureConsole setup.

Send issue method sendIssue

Set Level (Severity)

Default is Error.

There is an enum to get this easily and type-safe.

import {ELevel} from "dyna-sentry";

    level: ELevel.WARN,
    title: 'Cannot send email',
    data: {email},
    stringifyData: false,

The ELevel Enum

enum ELevel {
  FATAL = "fatal",
  ERROR = "error",
  WARN = "warning",
  LOG = "log",
  INFO = "info",
  DEBUG = "debug",
  CRITICAL = "critical"

Send a issue's data stringified

When you stringify the data, you can see the whole depth of the object on Sentry.

Tip: The data stringify of the sendIssue can process objects with circular references with out exceptions, thanks to dyna-stringify.

    title: 'Cannot send email',
    data: {email},
    stringifyData: true,

Set Scope

Sentry offers a lot of methods to define the Scope of the issue.

sendIssue offers a callback to define anything Sentry offers.

    title: 'Cannot send email',
    data: {email},
    stringifyData: false,
    setScope: scope => {
        scope.setUser({id: "204523"});
        scope.setTag('id24534', 'Network layer');

Sentry's Scope methods

There is no a clear a API for all methods of Sentry's scope, below interface Scope. Taken from @sentry/types/dist/scope.d.ts.

If you write in typescript you can inspect all methods and types. If not, search for each method at Sentry's API

export interface Scope {
    /** Add new event processor that will be called after {@link applyToEvent}. */
    addEventProcessor(callback: EventProcessor): this;
     * Updates user context information for future events.
     * @param user User context object to be set in the current context. Pass `null` to unset the user.
    setUser(user: User | null): this;
     * Set an object that will be merged sent as tags data with the event.
     * @param tags Tags context object to merge into current context.
    setTags(tags: {
        [key: string]: string;
    }): this;
     * Set key:value that will be sent as tags data with the event.
     * @param key String key of tag
     * @param value String value of tag
    setTag(key: string, value: string): this;
     * Set an object that will be merged sent as extra data with the event.
     * @param extras Extras object to merge into current context.
    setExtras(extras: {
        [key: string]: any;
    }): this;
     * Set key:value that will be sent as extra data with the event.
     * @param key String of extra
     * @param extra Any kind of data. This data will be normailzed.
    setExtra(key: string, extra: any): this;
     * Sets the fingerprint on the scope to send with the events.
     * @param fingerprint string[] to group events in Sentry.
    setFingerprint(fingerprint: string[]): this;
     * Sets the level on the scope for future events.
     * @param level string {@link Severity}
    setLevel(level: Severity): this;
     * Sets the transaction on the scope for future events.
     * @param transaction string This will be converted in a tag in Sentry
    setTransaction(transaction?: string): this;
     * Sets context data with the given name.
     * @param name of the context
     * @param context Any kind of data. This data will be normailzed.
    setContext(name: string, context: {
        [key: string]: any;
    } | null): this;
     * Sets the Span on the scope.
     * @param span Span
    setSpan(span?: Span): this;
    /** Clears the current scope and resets its properties. */
    clear(): this;
     * Sets the breadcrumbs in the scope
     * @param breadcrumbs Breadcrumb
     * @param maxBreadcrumbs number of max breadcrumbs to merged into event.
    addBreadcrumb(breadcrumb: Breadcrumb, maxBreadcrumbs?: number): this;
     * Clears all currently set Breadcrumbs.
    clearBreadcrumbs(): this;


DynaSentry config

Config for new DynaSentry(config: IDynaSentryConfig).

IDynaSentryConfig {
  Sentry: any;
  captureConsole?: {
    consoleTypes?: EConsoleType[];  // default: empty (none)
    stringifyData?: boolean;        // default: false
    filter?: (consoleType: EConsoleType, consoleArgs: any[], consoleText: string) => boolean;
    filterOut?: IFilterOut;
    setScope?: (scope: Sentry.Scope) => void;

method sendIssue

public sendIssue(options: {
    title: string;
    level?: ELevel;
    data?: any;
    stringifyData?: boolean;    // default: false
    setScope?: (scope: Sentry.Scope) => void;
}): void

enum EConsoleType

export enum EConsoleType {
  ERROR = 'error',
  WARN = 'warn',
  LOG = 'log',
  INFO = 'info',
  DEBUG = 'debug',

enum ELevel

export enum ELevel {
  FATAL = "fatal",
  ERROR = "error",
  WARN = "warning",
  LOG = "log",
  INFO = "info",
  DEBUG = "debug",
  CRITICAL = "critical"
