Sample Angular App utilizing an Angular Module that provides automated grid features like sorting, filtering on array data.
Bootstrapped from quickstart
git clone as-auto-grid
cd as-auto-grid
npm install
npm start
Atom packages:
- [atom-typescript] (
- [linter] (
- linter-tslint
- [editorconfig] (
- [file-icons] (
Hosted on Heroku: Link
<auto-grid [data]="gridData" #grid> <table class="table"> <thead> <tr> <th auto-grid-enable="id" enable-sort>id</th> <th auto-grid-enable="fname" enable-sort enable-filter>First Name</th> <th auto-grid-enable="lname" enable-sort enable-filter>Last Name</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr *ngFor="let data of ( gridData | gridPipe:grid.selections )"> <td>{{}}</td> <td>{{data.fname}}</td> <td>{{data.lname}}</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </auto-grid>
where grid data is provided to the enclosing component:
gridData = [
{id:1, fname: 'Angad', lname: 'Salaria'},
{id:2, fname: 'John', lname: 'Doe'},
{id:3, fname: 'Sam', lname: 'Adams'},
{id:4, fname: 'John', lname: 'Adams'},
{id:5, fname: 'Edward', lname: 'Miller'},
{id:6, fname: 'Lawrence', lname: 'Bross'}