Currency conversion system API. CurrencyConverterAPI
It is possible from the application to obtain the currency conversion using conversion rates obtained obtained from
- RESTful APIs
Math Expression API was developed using the technologies bellow:
- Java - Java 11
- Spring Boot - Spring Boot 2
- Spring Data - Spring Data
- Lombok - Lombok
- Maven - Maven
- JUnit5 - JUnit 5
- Mockito - Mockito
- Insomnia - Insomnia
- Swagger - Swagger
- TravisCI - TravisCI
- Heroku - Heroku
- \api\transactions - Endpoint to convert a source currency to a target currency.
- \api\transactions\1 - Endpoint to see the conversions used by a user.
The documentation of the endpoints can be consulted after running the application at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
Math Expression API need to be cloned on GitHub.
$ git clone
$ cd currency-converter-api
Via Eclipse or IntelliJ - Run the "Main" class as a java application (normal or debug).
Via Maven - Run the command
$ mvn spring-boot: run
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