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What is Angry Pixel?

Angry Pixel is a 2D engine for browser games written in Typescript.

Main features:

  • Sprites and animations
  • Tilemaps (csv and Tiled)
  • WebGL rendering
  • Polygonal collisions and static physics resolution
  • Input (keyboard, mouse, gamepad, touch)
  • Scene-Object-Component based architecture

Getting Started


npm i angry-pixel


Create and configure a new Game instance.

import { Game, GameConfig } from "angry-pixel";

const config: GameConfig = {
    containerNode: document.getElementById("app"),
    gameWidth: 1920,
    gameHeight: 1080,
    canvasColor: "#00D9D9",

// create the game
const game = new Game(config);

Create a Scene

Crear la clase MainScene que extiende Scene and load an image that will be used as a Sprite.

import { Scene } from "angry-pixel";

class MainScene extends Scene {
    protected init(): void {

Add the scene to the game.

const config: GameConfig = {
    containerNode: document.getElementById("app"),
    gameWidth: 1920,
    gameHeight: 1080,
    canvasColor: "#00D9D9",

// create the game
const game = new Game(config);
// add scene
game.addScene(MainScene, "MainScene");

Create a Game Object

Create the Logo class extending GameObject and add the image using the native SpriteRenderer component.

import { GameObject, Sprite, SpriteRenderer } from "angry-pixel";

class Logo extends GameObject {
    protected init(): void {
        this.addComponent(SpriteRenderer, {
            sprite: new Sprite({
                image: this.assetManager.getImage("logo.png"),

Add the object to the scene.

class MainScene extends Scene {
    protected init(): void {

Create a Component

Create the MoveAndBounce class that extends Component and contains the logic for object movement, using the native Transform component (natively included in the GameObject), vectors and delta time.

import { Component, Transform, Vector2 } from "angry-pixel";

class MoveAndBounce extends Component {
    private transform: Transform;
    private direction: Vector2;
    private speed: number;

    protected init(): void {
        this.transform = this.gameObject.transform;
        this.direction = new Vector2(1, 1);
        this.speed = 200; // pixels per second

    // this method is called once per frame
    protected update(): void {
        if (this.transform.position.y >= 476 || this.transform.position.y <= -476) {
            this.direction.y *= -1;
        if (this.transform.position.x >= 896 || this.transform.position.x <= -896) {
            this.direction.x *= -1;

        this.transform.position.x += this.direction.x * this.speed * this.timeManager.deltaTime;
        this.transform.position.y += this.direction.y * this.speed * this.timeManager.deltaTime;

Add the component to the object.

class Logo extends GameObject {
    protected init(): void {
        this.addComponent(SpriteRenderer, {
            sprite: new Sprite({
                image: this.assetManager.getImage("logo.png"),


Run the game

const config: GameConfig = {
    containerNode: document.getElementById("app"),
    gameWidth: 1920,
    gameHeight: 1080,
    canvasColor: "#00D9D9",

// create the game
const game = new Game(config);
// add scene
game.addScene(MainScene, "MainScene");
// run the game;

Check this example live
