HCMS is a simple implementation of the standard system that provides the functionality to manage the hostel Complaint management system. Is provide smoooth experience for students, administrators and supervisors.
It solves the problem of maintaining the daily complaints and assigs the task to the workers. Its main focus is to reduce the workload of the students and hostal administrators by degitalizing the whole process.
Now students can track their previous complaints and create a new complaint by visiting the site.
Students can login and create there complaint. Is also contain features like filtering, viewing past complaints, updating profile and many more.
First you have to clone the github url of this project. Simply copy the https, ssh or you can go through github cli.
Write the below script in your terminal.
git clone https://github.com/anjali726/Team-28-Mini-Project.git
go to project folder
cd ~/Desktop/Team-28-Mini-Project
Now install the package modules.
npm install
then run server using command
npm start
Now open another terminal and enter the command
cd ~/Desktop/Team-28-Mini-Project/frontend
Install package modules.
npm install
Now run it
npm start
- Complaint Management: Register and track complaints for various issues.
- Announcement Board: Stay updated with important announcements and notices.
- User Roles: Administrators manage worker assignments and oversee complaint resolution.
- Scalability: Efficiently handle large volumes of complaints, users, and data.
The HCMS application was developed using the MERN stack:
- MongoDB: Flexible NoSQL database for data storage.
- Express.js: Web application framework for building RESTful APIs.
- React.js: Front-end library for building interactive user interfaces.
- Node.js: Back-end JavaScript runtime environment.
- MERN Stack: Suitable for scalable and dynamic web applications.
- React.js: Efficient, component-based structure for fast and responsive UIs.
- Node.js: Scalable, non-blocking architecture for high-concurrency applications.
- HTML/CSS: UI design and styling.
- Redux.js: State management in React.js.
- GitHub: Version control.
By integrating modern technologies and streamlining processes, HCMS aims to optimize hostel management, ensuring a more organized and effective experience for all stakeholders.