Index | Problem | Prerequisite |
1 | Largest Rectangle in Histogram | None |
2 | Stock Span Problem | None |
3 | Reverse a Stack without using extra space | Recursion |
4 | Delete middle element of stack | Recursion |
5 | Sort a Stack | Recursion |
6 | Sed Max | None |
7 | Move Brackets | None |
8 | Power Set | Recursion |
Index | Problem | Prerequisite |
1 | Range Minimum Query | None |
2 | Help Ashu | None |
Index | Problem | Prerequisite |
1 | Activity Selection | Caution: Wrong test case on Geeks for Geeks |
2 | Egyptian Factors | Mathematics |
3 | Job Sequencing Problem | None |
4 | Water Connection Problem | None |
5 | Police Catch Thieves | None |
Index | Problem | Prerequisite |
1 | Connected Components in a Graph | DFS on undirected graph |
2 | Bishu and his Girlfriend | DFS on undirected graph |
3 | Is it a tree | Graph and Tree knowledge |
4 | A Bug’s Life | Bipartite graphs |
5 | Fire Escape Routes | Connected Components |
6 | Counting Rooms | DFS on 2D grid |
7 | Longest path in a tree | Diameter of tree |
8 | A Walk to Remember | Kosaraju's algo |
9 | Maximum Size | DFS on 2D grid |
10 | Detect cycle in an undirected graph | DFS |
11 | Detect cycle in a directed graph | DFS |
12 | Tree House | DFS |
13 | Rat in maze Problem 1 | DFS on 2D grid and Backtracking |
14 | Flood Fill | DFS on 2D grid |
15 | Number of Operations to Make Network Connected | Connected Components |
16 | Find the number of islands | Connected Components |
17 | Making A Large Island | DFS |
Index | Problem | Prerequisite |
1 | Monk and the Islands | BFS on undirected graph |
2 | Prime Path | Sieve of Erosthenes and BFS |
3 | Feasible relations | BFS |
4 | Social Networking Graph | BFS |
5 | Jungle Run | BFS on 2D grid |
6 | Chess knight move | BFS on 2D grid |
7 | Bitmap | BFS on 2D grid |
8 | Lucius Dungeon | BFS on 2D grid |
9 | The Cats and the Mouse | BFS on 2D grid |
10 | Word Ladder | BFS |
11 | Jump Game VII | BFS |
12 | Minimum time taken by each job to be completed given by a Directed Acyclic Graph | Topological sorting |
13 | Topological Sort | Topological sorting |
14 | Find whether it is possible to finish all tasks or not from given dependencies | Topological sorting |
Index | Problem | Prerequisite |
1 | Teacher's Dilemma | None |
2 | City and Flood | None |
3 | City and Campers | None |
4 | City and Fireman Vincent | None |
5 | City and Soldiers | None |
Index | Problem | Prerequisite |
1 | Number of 1 Bits | None |
2 | Non Repeating Numbers | None |
3 | Bit Difference | None |
4 | Power Set | None |
5 | Count Total Set Bits | None |
6 | And Then There Were K | None |
Index | Problem | Prerequisite |
1 | Increasing Subsequence | Basic Dp knowledge |
2 | Dice Combinations | Basic Dp knowledge |
3 | Minimizing Coins | Basic Dp knowledge |
4 | Coin Combinations I | Basic Dp knowledge |
5 | Coin Combinations II | Basic Dp knowledge |
6 | Removing Digits | Basic Dp knowledge |
7 | Grid Paths | Basic Dp knowledge |
8 | Book Shop | Basic Dp knowledge |
9 | Array Description | Basic Dp knowledge |
10 | Counting Towers | Basic Dp knowledge |
11 | Edit Distance | Basic Dp knowledge |
12 | Rectangle Cutting | Basic Dp knowledge |
13 | Money Sums | Basic Dp knowledge |
14 | Removal Game | Basic Dp knowledge |
15 | Two Sets II | Basic Dp knowledge |
16 | Projects | Basic Dp knowledge And Binary Search |
17 | Edit Distances | Basic Dp knowledge |