- Basic JavaScript concepts
- Learning about loops and other basic concepts
- Understanding how to print patterns
- Learning Express.js, a framework for web development
- Exploring HTTP methods like POST, GET, PUT, and PATCH
- Using Postman to test APIs
- Middlewares in Express.js for managing requests
- Zod for data validation
- Basic authentication methods
- Introduction to MongoDB, a popular database
- Document Object Model
- Basics of React
- Mongo DB deep dive
- Assignments
- React State & Components
- React Deep Dive
- Basic todo app with React
- React Return, Re rendering, Keys, Wrapper.
- Routing
- Tailwind CSS
- Paytm Clone (yet to do)
- Hooks, Custom Hooks
- Data Fetching Hooks
- Browser functionality related hooks.
- Performance / Time based hooks
- Introduction to TypeScript.
- Typescript
- SQL vs NoSQL.
- Intro to Postgres SQL. (Neon DB)
- CRUD using Postgres
- Introduction to Serverless Architecture
- Hono : routing and middlewares
- Deploying Backend on AWS
- Intro & overview to Nginx
- Deploying fronted with AWS
- S3
- CloudFront
- Typescript APIs
- Docker Intro
- SQL Relationships
- Prisma relationships [yet to do]!
- CloudFlare Workers
- Hono, JWT, Zod revised
- Intro to Client Side Next JS
- Server Side Next Js
- Images vs Containers
- Docker commands
- Layers
- Volumes
- Network
- Docker Push
- Docker Compose
- Intro to Monorepos
- TurboRepo & setup turborepo
- NextAuth
- Cookies
- working..
- Paytm Project(..)
- Middlewares in Next Js
- Websocket
- Redis Intro