Dev Ops Foundation Project - For Linux auto backup using rsync and cron
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create folder using
mkdir -p ~/wwwbkp/rsync/
Which will create nested directory on your root folder, named wwwbkp(inside root) and rsync(inside wwwbkp)
copy file to your home directory, Which has below code
#!/bin/bash rsync -avz /var/www/ ~/wwwbkp/rsync/ > /dev/null // sync your www directotry to your homefolder/wwwbkp/rsync directory tar -cvjf ~/wwwbkp/daily_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M).tar.bz2 -P ~/wwwbkp/rsync/ > /dev/null // tar your rsync content and added zip name with date in format of yyyymmddhhmm
edit /etc/crontab file, open using below command
vi /etc/crontab
crontab -e
then schedule the execution of backup script
30 22 * * * bash ~/ // Command will excute file automatically every day at 10:30 PM by cron.
Then save and exit from file.
restart cron service using below command
sudo service cron reload