Wilderness Wears is a web application that will recommend what to wear on your upcoming hike based on the weather! Users enter their destination and date and will receive an outfit recommendation.
The target audience is anyone who can’t decide what to wear on a regular basis - which includes me!
- TDD and Testing
- Integrate 2-3 APIs
- OmniAuth Authentication
- Bootstrap
- Ruby
- Rails
- HTML/CSS, Bootstrap
- APIs
- HTTParty
- OmniAuth
- Simplecov
- Minitest
- vcr
“Done” means a deployed website that allows a user to input a date and location, and then receive weather and appropriate clothing data based on those parameters.
“Success” includes all of "Done" & a nicely styled & formatted website, a well-thought-out algorithm for clothing selection and an informative error-handling system. Something that I would be proud to show off.